the lastborn's departure

Start from the beginning

Zoia now understands why some people say every parents' nightmare is when their children don't get along.

It hurts.

Zoia sighed and decided to look away from Holly, sitting back correctly, looking on the road in front of her.

Harry knows Zoia through and through even without looking at her. Of course, he does.

He immediately put his hand on top of her hand, squeezing it comfortingly as he kept his eyes on the road. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Once they arrived at the station, Holly sprinted to where Lola was. Zoia could see both girls hugging each other with excitement on their faces.

"Hi, Zoia!" Amelia, Lola's mother immediately greeted Zoia with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hi, Amelia!" Zoia beamed.

The two hugged for a while before Zoia asked, "How's Lola? Is she excited? It's all Holly has been talking about."

"Oh she has been crazy about it," Amelia shook her head. "I still couldn't believe it — I mean everything is crazy. I had to make sure over ten times today that I'm not dreaming. I mean how is it even possible?"

"I know," Zoia chuckled.

"And turns out all of you are as well — it's amazing!" Amelia beamed.

"Calm down, love," Richard, Lola's father, wrapped his arm around Amelia's shoulder and kissed his wife's head. "I think she's more excited than Lola."

Both parents including James and Lily then looked at Holly and Lola who are currently pretending like they're in a duel with their invisible wand.

"Aren't you? This is cool Richard!"

"Yeah," Richard chuckled. "I hope she'll be okay there."

"I have all the insights there, I'll make sure Lola's okay," Harry smiled assuredly at both parents.

Suddenly someone called Holly from behind.

"Holly!" Phoenix ran with Kenji on his side. "I'm so sorry I'm late — Merlin I thought I was too late."

"Why do you both have flower bouquets?" Holly tilted her head.

"It's for you both," Phoenix smiled at both girls. "I charmed them. It'll be intact for a year. We'll give you both another one next year."

Holly immediately hugged both boys and mumbled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Holls," Phoenix kissed her head.

"Come join the hug, Lola," Holly opened her arm, encouraging her best friend to join the group hug.

Lola sheepishly walked towards them and joined the hug.

By instinct, the parents took a picture of them discreetly while James and Lily looked completely touched at the sight.

When it was time for them to go through the wall, Lola clung to her parents as she cried, bidding her goodbye to her parents.

"Be good, okay?" Amelia whispered to her daughter. "Don't forget to send a letter to us."

"I promise," Lola nodded as she sniffled.

"You better tell us all of your adventures little one," Richard ruffled her daughter's hair lightly.

"Oh I will," Lola grinned.

Once they were done, Lola and Holly held hands as they passed through the wall together with flower bouquets in their other hands.

A dazzling glitter of amazement could be seen from the two girls. The constant 'wow' could be heard every second coming from their mouths.

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