Chapter 7

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"Is this one mine?" Becky traced a fingertip along a scratch by Seth's right shoulder blade, not far from his spine tattoo. He was stretched out on his stomach, and the light from the rising sun made his back look even redder than it was.

Seth shook his head, making his curls spill across the pillow. "Pretty sure that was Brock." He started to rise up onto his elbows to try looking over his shoulder, but Becky gently pushed him back down. "I've got some scratches on the front too...."

Becky laughed. Her main-event match had gone on past midnight and by the time she was done with interviews and being congratulated by family, friends, and fellow wrestlers, it was almost three when they got back to their hotel. She thought she would be exhausted, but finally being alone with Seth after such a long, emotional day had been a relief. He had encouraged her to get some rest, but they had only slept for an hour or two before they both woke and were reaching for each other. "I'm getting there," she promised, kissing a trail down his back. "Don't rush me."

"Never." Seth's gaze softened when he looked up at her and Becky forgot how to breathe for a minute. "But if you want to top, I'll eventually have to turn over...."

"Like I said," Becky grinned, sliding a hand down to his ass and digging her nails in, "don't rush me." Seth had taken the lead for the first round of sex, and though she might have claimed it was because her arms were tired, she really just wanted to be able to concentrate on watching him. "Bet this was Lesnar too," she muttered, kissing another scratch. "Asshole."

"Clearly he didn't get the memo that only you're allowed to mark me up," Seth teased, reaching out and grabbing her other hand. He kissed and nuzzled her palm for a moment before tugging gently on her fingers. "Take it up with him later."

Becky stretched out beside him, inching closer when he draped an arm across her hips. "Maybe I should thank him," she countered, earning herself a sharp look from Seth. "With all those scrapes and bruises, no one will notice a few extra few scratches, so I won't have to be as careful."

"At least not today." Seth turned onto his side and ran a hand along Becky's ribs. "Pretty sure that excuse won't last until next Monday." He closed the distance between them and kissed her softly. "Besides, our luggage is going to be a bit heavier now with all that gold, so you might have to start taking it easy on me."

"Start?" Becky pushed him onto his back and straddled him. "What do you think I've been doing? Besides, today's not a travel day...."

"No, but you still have a bunch of interviews this afternoon." Seth ran his hands down her back slowly, letting them rest on her hips. "And they'll be expecting your usual sharp-tongued self."

Becky shut her eyes and sighed. It wasn't like she didn't know what champions went through, especially after big wins. Given that hers was for both women's titles at WWE's biggest pay-per-view in WrestleMania's first-ever women's main event, she was honestly surprised she had any spare time between RAW and SmackDown. And any other time, she would have been bursting with excitement to do it, eager to talk up the women's division and shine the spotlight on other wrestlers who weren't getting the attention they deserved. At the moment, though, she just wanted a sliver of time where she could be selfish and bask in the fact that she and Seth were together and had both achieved pinnacles in their careers. "And tomorrow you're teaching at Black and Brave...."

"So come back with me," he replied, digging his fingers in just enough to make her sigh. "Or I could meet you at SmackDown...."

"The RAW champion being spotted at SmackDown? That would get Twitter going." Becky slid her hands to his shoulders as she leaned down to kiss him. "Bet I'd still get more likes, though."

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