Spooky Night Lights

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☆Idea from @/bunnysmilesfounder on tiktok!!☆
(also im aware the conjuring didn't come out in their time, but just go with it!)

"Alright! So are we watching 'The Shining', or 'Nightmare on Elm Street?" Felix asked as he held up the two movies. Rosemary had her head rested on Jack's shoulder, a blush gracing his face, and his hand making his way through her hair. "The Shining! I heard the other one wasn't all that great." "Who said that?! Thats a great movie!" Felix retorted." Rosemary snickered at her comment. "Oh alright. We'll see who's laughing with the pants scared off of her!" Felix laughed. "I've got one! How about the Conjuring?" Jack suggested. "The Conjuring? Never heard of it." Rosemary spoke. "I have to agree. I've never heard of such a movie."   Jack walked to the TV to find the tape. "I know I have it. I brought it wit- Aha! got it!" He said excitedly and popping it in to the player. Felix went to make some warm popcorn before the movie started while Jack and Rose cuddled together under the blanket and gave eachother kisses. "Ewww get a room!" Felix joked as he turned off the lights and joined Jack and Rose, sitting so Jack was in the middle. They watched the movie in silence, occasionally pointing out something ridiculous or hilarious. Rosemary sometimes nestled into Jack and gave him pecks on the cheek, to which Felix  gave joking gag noises. After around 45 minutes, Felix fell asleep and slept through the rest of the movie. At the end, Rosemary thought it would be funny to joke and scare Jack. She pretended to be possessed like the mom Carolyn in the movie. Making gross noises and acting crazy. She used her flexibility to her advantage and do backbends and make her body look broken. Jack was thoroughly terrified as Rosemary seemed to speak in tongues. He tried to desperately awake Felix, but to no avail. He was out. "Rosemary, Please! It's me! Your Boyfriend!" he pleaded. She started crawling toward him from afar as he climbed up on the back of the couch. "ROSIE PLEASE!" She crawled up to him and got face to face with her terrified boyfriend, and gave him a kiss. She fell back laughing her ass off. She couldn't believe he fell for such a god awful prank. "Hahaha!! You- You should've seen your face!" She rolled over with laughter pouring out, unlikely to end. He rolled his eyes and picked her up off the floor. "That wasn't funny, Rose." "You're not serious. Know how I know?" "How, Hm?" "Because you called me Rose and not Rosemary!" She said giving him another kiss. He sighed in defeat. "I love you." "I love you too." She said with a smile. "Should we leave him here?" "I'm not moving him!"
They both giggled and crept to Rosemary's dorm, where they, almost, slept content.....Until they heard a bump.

(the long awaited next chapter is here! im desperately trying to be more active, and ive got 2 more chapters in the works! enjoy everyone!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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