Jack Walten and Felix Kranken

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A summery afternoon had been laced with new opportunities. Jack had found himself at the doorstep of his university. Was he nervous? Yes, but then again he had come so far and he wasn't going to let nerves take control of him. He walked inside and saw students and staff alike walking the busy school. He dragged him and his luggage to the check-in desk to get situated and to get his dormitory. The clerk handed him his key, his map and a complimentary piece of candy, which he smiled at. Thanking them, he went on his merry way, soon finding his dormitory and using the key. Before he unlocked it, he took a deep breath and opened it slowly, walking inside. He looked at what was basically his new home. With two twin beds on either side of the room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom. He had seen that no one else had been in the room yet, as nothing was set up. He was sorta hoping in the back of his mind that they were already set up on their side of the room, but he couldn't waste time whining to himself about it. Fueled by nerve and determination to have a good start to his semester, he began unpacking his things. Putting his bedding on the mattress, putting his clothes away in the dressers and closet, and putting up his calander. Suddenly, he heard the door click and looked over to who was there. A slightly shorter male walked in the room, carrying luggage of his own. He had rectangular frame glasses and short brown hair. Jack cleared his throat and spoke. "Hello. I'm Jack. Jack Walten." He dropped his things on his bed and went to shake the man's hand. "Felix Kranken." The man said with a smile. Setting down one of his suitcases and shaking his hand. "I hope you don't mind that uh, I already chose my uh, side." Felix spoke. "Not at all! You were here first, right? It was your choice." Just like Jack, he began unpacking. Putting his own bedding on, Placing his clothes away, and putting his toiletries in the bathroom. Soon, both of them started making conversation. Asking eachother where they're from, cracking some jokes, and getting along fairly well. They bonded over their profound love for animatronics and how interesting they were. This one topic ended up occupying a very long conversation. The room filled with chatter about them opening up a restaurant with animatronic theme. They both expressed thorough excitement on the conversation, with Jack, on multiple instances fidgeting with or slightly shaking his hands to express his excitement. Their conversation faded into the later evening to around 7:30 pm. They realized how much they had talked and laughed it off. Neither of them had ever had the chance to talk so thoroughly with someone about the thing they were so passionate about. Both of them were quite hungry and decided to grab burgers together in the cafeteria. They continued their rousing discussion on the restaurant ideas and talked more and more by the second. It was getting late and they figured they should get back to the dorm. That didn't stop them from talking the whole way there. Jack had asked to pause the conversation so he could shower. Felix had showered earlier in the day, and agreed to pause the conversation so he could take the time to get ready in his sleep clothes. Jack took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and put on a shirt and shorts for bed. He put his wet neck-length hair in a small bun, tying it up with the hair tie he kept on his wrist. Felix got up to brush his own teeth and walked back to his bed and sat down. Felix spoke. "You know, I was actually really nervous about who my roommate was gonna be. I was worried I wouldn't really fit right with them. I see a real friendship with you, man!" Jack shared the same sentiment with his own smile and sharing his own nervousness. Felix let out a yawn and Jack took that as a sign that it was also time for him to sleep when the yawn cycled to him. Jack got under his covers and layed his head on the pillow.  Felix got up to turn off the light and then got into bed. He gave a goodnight to Jack, who returned it. Felix turned off the lamp that was by his bed. The day had gone great. The semester was gonna be just fine.

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