Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"Well how does this work? Can I sign up to get myself ahead at cheering, or is that a right reserved only for Chelsea Davidson?"

Was she offering to hook up with me to get placed as captain? I couldn't tell if it was a mechanism of argument, or a serious offer. Either way, for her to insinuate that I would do that; to treat me like nothing more than a prostitute; was absolutely too much.

"Tiffany," I warned firmly, placing my hands on the desk in front of me as I stood up. She got up with me and stood in my face, looking tough. I realized I didn't scare her - I didn't scare anyone. But I figured I was holding my own. I managed to hold on enough to say, "To get ahead, you earn it. Not through hook-ups, through skill. If you want to get ahead, you'll work for it. That's all I have to tell you."

She put her bag over her shoulder, chin up, as she turned to go. "Oh, I'll work at it," she said. "Trust that."

"I'm looking forward to it," I told her as she gave me a final look before shutting the door.

That was before I completely broke down, knowing that I was absolutely and irrevocably fucked.


I spent the remainder of the day searching for solutions, for the most part coming up dry. What could I do? She knew. I didn't know how she knew, but she knew. And worse, I was not on her good side. The situation was extremely volatile. One wrong move on my part, and I could be in serious, serious trouble. I knew what Tiffany wanted, and more than once I considered giving it to her. But that wasn't fair. Not to Chelsea, and not to the team. I wasn't going to let this sixteen year old girl run my life. And I was going to stay true to my word. If she wanted to get ahead, then she would definitely work for it.

"Today," I announced at practice, "We're working out. You all need to work on conditioning, so you can strengthen your jumps and your stunts. And I know some of you," I said, looking directly at Tiffany, "Are looking to get further ahead in your cheering. So here's how." I made sure I used her exact language, so she would get the hint that I'd meant what I said. I didn't smile, I didn't even say please. I was making a point, and sticking by it. "Get changed and meet me in the weight room."

As I could have anticipated, Chelsea was the first one there.

"Reporting for duty, Sergeant Chandler," she joked as she put a leg up to stretch. "I have to admit, the whole power thing is kind of hot on you."

"Shh!" I hissed at her. "Look, you know this isn't me. I'll explain later, but please just shut up for now."

She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Okay," she said. "Whatever you say."

"And whatever you do, when practice ends today, leave. Quickly. Don't say goodbye. I'll call you."

"You're scaring me," she said.

"Well, you're not alone."

Lucky for me, the next one to walk in, was Tiffany. Just like that, I was alone with the two of them. Already, it didn't look good that Chelsea and I were alone.

Catching my eye, she commented, "Shocker."

Chelsea gave me a look, and I shook my head. "Ready to work out?" I asked her, cordially, as if nothing had happened.

"This is really cute," she said, clearly unamused.

"I'm just helping you out," I said. "I know you have goals, so I'm helping you reach them."

"That's not the way you help others," she said, looking at Chelsea.

"This is the way I'm helping the entire team."

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