Prologue 2: Zion origins

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Zion a Godzilla Faunus who was born from a powerful blood line the boy was promised a bright future but do to certain dangers in this world his father and mother were force to give him up no matter how bad they wanted to keep him but first he needed to find the right person to raise there son.

A man who hade dorsal Finns from his back down to his tail. He was walking in the streets of vale as it was poring raining he looked down in his arms to see his son in a blanket then finally he found the house he was looking for he knocked a few times and the door opened to reveal Glynda.

Glynda: Jacob? What are you doing here?

Jacob: I don't have time to explain everything. but I do have time to ask you one more favor.
Adam then puts his hand out to reveal a baby.

Jacob: Take care of my son... please.
Glynda was shocked as she takes the baby from him and looks down at him then at Jacob.

Glynda: Jacob what's going on?

Jacob: Like I said I don't have time to explain but all I know is that. I won't live to see my boy grow up.
A tear then drops down.

Jacob: Please make sure my boy grows up right.
Glynda then felt sad for Jacob then looked at the baby in her arms.

Glynda: Of course.

Jacob: Thank you... one more thing.
Jacob takes out a key and sets it on the blanket that's wrapped around the child.

Jacob: Give him this key. When ever your ready to tell him the truth. (Looks at the child) I love you... Zion.
Jacob then runs away as Glynda looks down at the child named Zion who wrapped his tail around her finger and she smiled.

Glynda: That's a beautiful name for a special boy like you. My son.
Glynda then closes the door.

For 6 years Glynda has taken care of and loved Zion like he was her own. When ever she is working at Beacon she is usually a very strict teacher not a lot of students see her soft side. Zion was one of those few who saw her soft side.

Glynda walked to her house as she unlocked it and entered the house.

Glynda: Sweetie mommy's home.
Zion didn't respond.

Glynda: Sweetie?
Then she realized that the reason Zion is quite is because he wanted to play his favorite game with her. She smiled as she kicked her high heels to the side and started walking around.

Glynda: Hmm I wonder where my special boy could be? Is he righhhht here!
She looks under the table to find nothing.

Glynda: Hmmm not here so what about here.
She opens up the closet but finds nothing. She walks up stairs then realized that her door was wide open she smiles as walks in then in the corner of her eye she sees Zion's tail slide under her bed. Zion is holding in his laughter as he sees his mother nylon feet coming closer to the bed.

Glynda: Hmm I think I know where my little Zion is. He's righhhhhht here!
She gets on her knees and finds Zion as she grabs him Zion laughs as she grabs him and takes him out from the bed.

Glynda: And since I found you. You know what comes next.

Zion: Mommy no wait.
Glynda starts to tickle him as Zion starts to laugh as she tickles him and finally stops.

Zion: (Breaths heavily) I hate it when you do that mommy.

Glynda: Well you did agree to it.

Zion: Yeah yeah.
Glynda smiles as she kisses Zion on the cheek.

Few minutes later Glynda was sitting on the counter on a computer typing when Zion sat next to her.

Zion: Mommy can we watch a movie together?

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