Start from the beginning

head over heels


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synopsis !

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PEYTON EVANS had spent her whole life in Hawkins, Indiana. With a little brother to take care of and a father too kind for his own good, Peyton often found herself taking charge. She wasn't necessarily a troubled kid, but her mother running off with some all-muscles-no-braincells asshole not only left her the only woman, young girl, in the house, but it left her with some... extreme rage issues.

Issues that, lucky for her, could be channeled into the fight against the evil lurking beneath her beloved home town. An evil that not only threatened her friends, but her family. She wanted so desperately to be the rock for her family, she found herself hiding her anger away. Pushing it down and pretending that everything was fine until she became bitter and cold to her innocent peers. It wasn't their fault they could continue their stupid nuclear family American dream. Even if it made her want to rip the wood of their white picket fence from the ground and force it through their eye.

Not that she would ever actually do that. Although her ever-growing violent tendencies were becoming a cause for concern. Although evidently not to Nancy Wheeler, who was more confused than anything when she watched some girl she had barely spoken to knee her boyfriend in the balls for graffitiing the movie theatre sign like the jealous jackass he was.

And yet, Peyton and Steve Harrington were bonded the moment they set foot through the door of the Byers home to find Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers preparing to fight a being from another dimension.

But that didn't stop them from strongly disliking each other.

Steve hated her 'couldn't care less' attitude while Peyton hated his 'king of Hawkins High' entitled assholery. If they weren't avoiding each other, they were irritating each other. And if they weren't irritating each other, they were talking shit about each other. Which was exhausting and irritating in itself, especially for the listeners to their constant complaints.

But close friends knew there was much more than meets the eye when it came to the passionate hatred between the supernatural-fighting, baseball bat-wielding teens...


SIDNEY HARRINGTON was born and raised in Hawkins, Indiana. But the truth of what lay beneath her hometown was entirely a mystery.

Sidney was a good kid. Straight A student, captain of the soccer team. Even if she was in no way, as the lovely popular kids of Hawkins high would put it, a 'nerd', she wasn't popular either. She'd hoped that, being a Harrington, she'd follow in the footsteps of her parents, and brother alike. Queen of Hawkins high. But it just wasn't in her nature to put others down to rise to the top. She had no desire to, in her words, "peak in high school and pop out a baby at 19 like Mom". A rather touchy subject in the Harrington household.

𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆, stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now