Chapter 1: The Wolf Massacre

Start from the beginning

"They are mobilizing, Lleyton. Lisla's death turned the sand in the hourglass, Gaiathal detecting the infection that is humanity. They will vacate their caves, in almost eighteen years, and descend upon mankind. Your scientists are foolish to think they will stay where they are. The Sea Steel Aimos fastened to the cave openings might as well be paper."

Lleyton believed him. There was no reason for Solan to lie to him, as his men butchered his people and he stood chained in utter defeat. He also knew Solan was the smartest man he knew, especially now after seeing what he was able to plan from the shadows all this time. Without Maeve, who could rival Solan's intellect?

And unfortunately yes, he was a man of his word.

"I offer you two things. The first thing I offer is quick, painless deaths for the people of this planet. A death your sister Lisla hadn't the privilege to go through. Tell me, would you rather a bullet to the head or to die like Lisla did?"

Lleyton didn't answer, hate for Solan still flowed through his body, wanting to break through his chains and kill him, but he kept listening and knowing the answer as he flashed back to the Gothreek caves.

"The second thing I offer you is justice. Your people, I would not be butchering them if it weren't for your siblings betraying you. This current butchery; it is just as much their fault as mine. Deep down you know this. You and I, Lleyton... We are different from the Alva's. The black sheep. They don't understand us, they don't understand our... convictions."

Lleyton continued to try breaking from the chains. "I'm not going to let you manipulate me, you monster. I'm coming for you, do you hear me? I will kill you with my bare hands. We're nothing alike."

Solan smiled, and then said, "It was your most trusted brother, Aimos, who played the final role in your defeat during the War. Ever wonder how the Field malfunctioned? The Orcas found a tunnel from the ocean to within your walls and sabotaged it. Ordered by Aimos, of course."

Lleyton knew Solan's words were true and closed his eyes. His most loving brother betrayed him. They all betrayed him. He had loved them all, was the most caring of the siblings despite not showing it as fully as he could. And yet, his city burned from within, after they waged a phony war upon him.

The final dagger was from Aimos's silver hand. The hand he had trusted most.

"My proposal is simple. I want you to exact your revenge on your siblings. I want you to destroy their capitals, your siblings, all of the people within the walls. Humanely, of course. Save the people from the horrors that await them. Because I promise you, cousin, the Dark is coming."

Lleyton stopped straining his chains and slumped to a seat along the wall. He didn't buy for a second that Solan wanted to humanely kill these people. It was part of some other dark plan he was devising.

"In each city, I want you to spare two of their Hosts. A male and female. Young, preferably. I need them for other important matters. If you do these things, I will return your wife and Markus unharmed."

"I'm a single man. I can't do these things you ask. You just killed my people. Go to hell," Lleyton said from his somber stupor.

Solan retorted quickly while standing with a snap, "It's why I'm giving you an army. My men will give you a map, to the world I've built underground, called the Labyrinth. Now that they have an invincible being on their side, they will follow you. Although, these Outlanders that serve me, they aren't like you or I. Their hate and resentment for the Gifted is the fuel that propels them. They wouldn't understand if I told them to keep some Hosts alive. You know how leadership is. They'd lose respect for me, and now you, if I gave such an order. So this will be our little secret. Keep two Hosts aside from each city, as I've instructed."

To Where the Sun Rises (Part 2 of 'A Tale of People and Apples' Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now