Dr. Ayanokouji

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It's 1:41 am.

Using the feature of my data provider which allows me to use unlimited Internet from 12 to 6 am, I downloaded season 2 of Dr. Stone

Suddenly, An idea hit me up.

Of course, I am feeling sleepy. I may as well delete this tomorrow morning when I realize how cringe I am sounding right now.

But the general idea is like this.

In case you guys don't know what happens in Dr. Stone

Well I would tell you guys in brief:- A guy let's call him A, is going to ask out the girl he had a crush on since 5 years. He has a best friend named Senku who is a literal genius. Senku is obsessed with science.

Just as he was about to ask her out, a green light shone bright in the sky. Soon a translucent green layer covered the entire earth surface. On contact with it,the boy turned into Stone before he could confess. The girl froze as well.

Fast forward, we see that no matter how many years passed, He always thought about confessing to her. He forced himself to stay awake even though it sometimes felt that he could go unconscious.

Finally, he wakes up, and finds that technology, infrastructure all that is gone. What remains are forests everywhere. He himself was in a cave.

After moving around for a while, he follows some hints left by senku and finds him.

So now, Senku's goal is to rebuild the civilisation. Senku will use his vast knowledge in science to build the once lost society from scratch.

So that's the basic plot of Dr. Stone

Trust me, it's very interesting. At the same time, you get to learn some interesting facts about science.

Now then, coming to the main topic. We have two choices.

1) A mix of Cote and Dr stone universe where Both senku and Ayanokouji exist. Senku will carry out his stuff like he does in the anime. But he will come across Ayanokouji who awakened as well.

Ayanokouji will use some basic science and survival techniques for his survival.

He will also have the stone figures of other important character of Cote that he kept with himself, in case he ever found a cure.

(Note that senku is a science genius, a god level genius. Ayanokouji is overall better, but if it comes to science and experiments, senku wins by a large margin)

Since senku already has an enemy who is physically stronger, He would agree to help kiyo. He needs someone who is strong. Plus kiyo is smart too. So they would form a good pair.

I don't have the tiniest amount of idea about how the plot would progress. Considering both senku and Ayanokouji have their enemies. Also note that I haven't exactly finished season 1, since some episodes are left.

Ayanokouji will be able to live freely, along with some Cote characters and Senku.

2) A world where the Dr stone characters don't exist. Of course the plot would be similar, maybe something like just when kiyo was about to confess to Kei (if I make it kiyokei). Cuz that would be a bit similar.

For plot purposes, kiyo would be way too OP. But not as op as senku.

Kiyo will have a huge amount of  scientific knowledge.

The key difference would be, now that senku doesn't exist and he himself is OP; he would find the cure to turn the "petrified" people back to their normal selves.

Using his cure, he would bring back most of the Cote universe.

So basically we will see him openly use his abilities as he commands the students as well as teachers to follow his orders. Basically like a mayor

If you guys want to make it more interesting, then the addition of class competition is also possible. Where the 4 classes have regular conflicts about the ownership and stuff.

The story could Also involve Tsukishiro contacting ayanopapa to bring kiyo to themselves Using the men they have.

They would like to bring him back so that he can help them advance in terms of science. If kiyo doesn't come back, then we will use his man power, as well as use the cure on little kids that he would train to become his soldiers. The professors would already have knowledge about the subjects and all. I don't think it would be that hard for them to progress.

I won't say anything else, cuz rn I am basically ruining the plot.

So anyway. That's the basic idea.

There are very few cote readers, it would be even harder to look for a Cote reader who has watched Dr. Stone

But I had this idea, so I thought of sharing it with you guys.

I apologize if you guys thought it was an update about reactions.

Update:- 2:13 am

OK. I just asked it on discord, and realized that there was already a Dr stone X Cote.

Bruh moment.

But I wanted to upload this anyway, since I wrote it without knowing that it existed.

It's not like I was planning on making a fanfic out of it. I just wanted to share this idea with you people.

Also, now i am going to read it

Anyway. Thanks in case you guys are still reading.

The author for the Dr. Stone ff is:- _zetsubo

Let's pray that the idea is different so I don't get killed due to copying 🤓

It's 2:30 am.

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