Chapter 31

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It was already late in the evening when Yo Han managed to go to Ba Reum's place.

He had wanted to finish halmoni's medical rapport today and he had to wait until the secretary finished typing it out before he could validate it.

He had send off a copy to the lawyers office, to make sure that the received his findings the soonest as possible and he made sure to bring a copy of it with him to Ba Reum.

Normally these reports were confidential, but when he told halmoni all about his plans, he had asked her if she minded that Ba Reum took a look as well, just to see if there were any immediate problems.

She had of course agreed to it. She was glad that everyone seemed to want to help her out, and she was also glad that she could be of use to them.

"So how did it go?" Ba Reum asked him after he had given Ba Reum the rapport. Yo Han went to sit in the sofa.

"It went well. I don't think anyone noticed anything weird." Yo Han said, stretching the muscles on his back. They were tense from stress. He wasn't used to these kind of things. Ba Reum nodded.

"And, did you meet your brother?" Ba Reum asked, pretending to be immersed in the rapport.

Even though Ba Reum had decided that he didn't want anything to do with his old family, there was some nagging in the back of his mind that wanted to know how they all turned out.

"yes I did. We talked a bit. He seems like a good person, but the conversation didn't went to deep." Yo Han said, thinking back to the car ride.

"Good." Ba Reum said, finishing reading the medical file. It didn't take long to finish of course. The structure was good and the reasonings were valid. He handed it back to Yo Han.

"We should be able to win our case with this rapport." He said, satisfied that his plan was going to work out.

Thanks to helping halmoni get out of the prison, they had gotten a distraction for his mother. And with the case becoming more and more urgent, Bong Yi would be more and more busy and so would his friends be with supporting Bong Yi.

This would give him the opportunity to work in secrecy more and also to distance his friends from the potential danger that his action could bring.

"So, is there anything else you wanted?" Yo Han asked, hoping that he could go home and get a good night's rest. It had been a very tiring and long day already.

"Well, there was just one thing," Ba Reum said, and Yo Han suppressed a groan, "have you ever heard of doctor Cha Hyun Ok? She is a gynaecologist at the hospital you work at"

Yo Han nodded, frowning a bit at the question Why would Ba Reum want to know that..

"I do know her. She is an expert in her field, one of the best fertility experts in the country. They say that if she can't get you pregnant, no one will." Yo Han said.

Ba Reum nodded.

"Do you know other things about her?"

"There is also a bit of gossip of course, but then, there is always gossip."

"What kind of gossip." Ba Reum asked interested. He leaned a bit forward.

"Well, they say that when she was still in medical school, she had been known to sleep around with married men. And in her senior year she actually became pregnant from one of these guys. The rumour goes that he had to divorce his current wife and marry her to do "the right thing"." Yo Han said. He remembered some of her assistants gossiping about it.

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