The surprise II

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Alexia's POV

Sigyn is huddled in the corner of her cell rocking back and forth as though she is a mental patient. It is quite frightening. I take a deep breath in and exhale loudly. She notices i am standing outside of her cell and swiftly tears herself around.

"Alexia. The goddess. To what do i owe the pleasure." She grins widely. It looks almost as though her cheeks are about to split into a wider smile. I shudder.

"Why did you try to kill me, Sigyn? Was there a reason?" I ask her confidently. She smiles wider. Suddenly she runs and throws herself against the glass so her face is inches away from mine. I make a disgusted face at her.

"The voices..." She giggles insanely. "The voice of my true master. He will rise..." She makes an upwards motion with her hand and giggles as it elevates up.

"And you will fall..." She smashes her hand on the ground. Im horrified by her insanity.

"You're insane." I say to her factually. She laughs loudly.

"YOU ARE." She screeches at me. I flinch. She will not screech at me, foul creature. If there is one valuable thing i have learnt to do, it is inflict pain telepathically. I never wanted to do it. I have no choice. I stare at her and imagine a burning pain in the centre of her brain.

"STOP. STOP." She screams. I close my eyes and try and block it out.

"YOU WILL FALL. ALL OF YOU WILL FALL." She's beginning to piss me off. I slam my hand against the glass of her cell.

"WHO IS YOUR MASTER. TELL ME HIS NAME." I scream at her. Her screams are ringing through the halls.

"TELL ME HIS NAME YOU FOOLISH CREATURE." I ask her again. Then she says a name i wasnt expecting.

"SURTR. SURTR." She screams. I stop the pain and let the name of my father sink in. My father.

"Yes. You're father will be the one behind who kills your children, tortures Loki and rips you in two. You will fall..." She giggles hysterically.

"Shut up. SHUT UP." I storm out of the prisons and breathe deeply.
She's insane. She's insane. She knows nothing. We're okay. I push thoughts of my father out of my head. I should get back to our bedroom before Loki gets back. Sigyn is insane. She knows nothing. Its all madness. I have never even met my father. He could be dead for all i know. Its all fine.

*2 months later*

Loki's POV

Allie is huge. Thats to be expected for a woman pregnant with two giants but still she is huge. The surprise is ready and it's time to show her. Thor is beside himself with joy as we near the due date. Mother is frantically last minute preparing everything with a smile on her face. And odin... He has been more involved than expected.

He has helped with Allie's surprise, he has been keeping a close eye on the both of us. Its almost as though we are all a family again. I stand, admiring the finished surprise with Odin. It is truly beautiful. I cant wait for Allie to see it today.

"We did a great job, Loki." Odin says to me, slapping me on the back. I smirk.

"Indeed we did...father." Thor looks up. Mother drops the box of baby clothes she is carrying. Odin looks at me with a faint hint of a smile on his face. Suddenly i am pulled into a tight hug by Odin. For a moment i am stunned; but then i relax into the hug and hug him back.

"My son..." Odin mutters. Out of the corner of my eye i see mother smiling widely and crying. Thor laughs boomingly. And claps me on the back.

"Welcome back, brother." He says happily. I smile. So this is what it's like to have a family again.


Allie told me about her visit to Sigyn and their conversation. I reassured her it was the madness of an insane person. I believe my statement. Sigyn is not stable. We cannot trust her word. Surtr rising? It's madness.

"Allie?" I call into our room. She is standing on the balcony. The morning sun casts a glow all around her outline. She is so beautiful. And she is mine. She turns around and smirks at me. Her stomach looks abnormal on such a small frame. Her long red curls cascade down her back. Her green dress falls freely, showing off her every curve; especially the huge curve that is her stomach. Gods she is beautiful. How did i get so lucky?

"Can i see my surprise now?" She asks impatiently, sticking her bottom lip out like a child. I chuckle.

"Of course, love. Lets go." I lead her down the hall a little bit and we stop just outside of a large set of double doors similar to our own. She grins excitedly. I grasp the door handles.

"Are you ready?" I ask her. She nods eagerly. I twist the door handles and throw them both open. Her face falls from a grin to awe. Her eyes go glassy and she laughs lightly in disbelief. She walks into the room.

"Loki, this is beautiful."

Alexia's POV

Our baby's nursery. The polished mahogany cribs and cupboards shine in the light that is echoing through the open balcony doors. Half of the room is electric blue and the other half is a flame orange. On the wall above the opening to the balcony in beautiful black handwriting is a familiar phrase.

"So, for his love, the moon died every night to let her breathe." I say aloud. A tear makes its way down my cheek. Loki walks over to stand next to me.

"Is it too much? I can always take dow--" i cut him off by pulling his head towards me into a soft kiss. He cradles my head in his hands.

"It's perfect." I say to him. He smirks.

"Im glad." He says. "You go wait out for me. I just need to fix something." He says to me. I nod, he kisses my hand as i leave and i wait outside of the door of the nursery. I smile to myself. It's perfect. The nursery. Everything about it. I cant believe he made that.

My thoughts are interrupted by a strange sensation between my legs. My face falls. Oh gods. What's happening? I look down to see a small puddle of what seems to be water beneath me.

"L-Loki?" I call out to him frantically. A sharp pain stabs through my stomach and i buckle over, clutching my stomach and breathing heavily. Before i know it he has rushed to me.

"Whats wrong? Are you o--" he stops and looks down. His face creeps into a small smile. I laugh sheepishly.

"Uhh--i think it's time." I say to him between pants. He chuckles and nods, quickly sweeping me up bridal style and rushing in the familiar trail to the hospital wing.

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