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Jiu's POV

It was dinner time when I arrived at the mansion. As soon I enter the house I saw Mr.Lee sitting at the dinning room. I decided to approach him. 'Oh Jiu. Have you had your dinner?' I bow to him 'Yes I had with nurse Choi at the mall.'. He nod. I was about to leave but the thought of the old men having dinner alone kind a sad when he is nice to us. 'I can company you Mr.Lee.' I take a sit and I can see his smiling. 'Mr.Lee thank you for lending me your money. I promise you as soon I recover and have a job I'll pay you.' the old men just smile 'It's ok Jiu. I don't need anything from both of you. After all I was the one ask Sua to work with me.' I bow to him once again as a thank from us.

'Mr.Lee I would like to help you. I feel bad not doing anything when everyone have their things to do. Maybe I can help the maid to clean the house.' I look at him. I do feel bad siting at home when Sua is working and others too. 'Jiu you can help me with the company when you are recover. For now its better for you to rest and take care of your health.' the way he look at me its like a father. He is nice men. 'Don't worry Mr.Lee despite my health condition I actually graduate with bachelor in business.' I smile at him, making he raise his eyebrows. 'Really?I'm impress. I will let my secretary know once you are recover. How about Sua?' he ask me. 'Well.. Sua actually really good at dancing she almost proceed her study in arts and performance but things happen. My parent got into accident and I need a constant treatment. Sua decided to work to pay for my treatment.' I look down, fidgeting my finger. I can't help but feeling guilty knowing that Sua can have a better life if I'm not sick.

'and why she chose to be a street fighter instead of being a dancer instructor?' 'she used to be instructor but the pay not much. One day her friends suggesting her about the fight, I didn't know about it until she return that night. Her body full of bruises. She barely wake up the next day although she won. Ever since that day she trained harder. I feel bad seeing her that way but she refuse to quit.' I can feel my heart sink remember the night she return from the fight. I hug her, tears streaming but Sua just smile.'I feel useless whenever she return with that condition.' tears start forming in my eyes but I swallowed the pain. 'Its ok Jiu, I'm sure now she wont be hurt. As you can see there's nothing you should be worry.' the old men hold my hand, comforting me with his concern eyes. 'Thank you Mr.Lee' he just smile.

'Ya Kim Bora don't you see I fall? Why didn't you help me? I thought you have to protect me?' I heard someone calling my sister name. I bet it was Siyeon. I saw both of them passing by 'Sua.' I called Sua who walking away from Siyeon. As soon she saw me she approach me with a hug. 'You both home. Take a sit.' Sua sit beside me. Siyeon about to leave but Mr.Lee ask her to join us. 'How is your first day Bora?' Mr.Lee only call Sua when there's no Siyeon maybe he want to keep Sua boundary with Siyeon. 'It was fine Mr.Lee. ' Sua simply answer. 'Wow you finally talk. I thought you are mute.' I can see that Siyeon glaring at Sua. 'I choose not to talk with you since nothing dangerous coming to you.' Sua answer while having the dinner just served. 'Omg you are fucking annoying!' Siyeon slam the table 'enough Siyeon. Have your dinner.' Mr.Lee speak.

After the dinner Mr. Lee speak to Siyeon 'Siyeon I need a favor from you.'. Siyeon annoyed at him 'What?if its about the company I'm not going to involve.' Mr.Lee try to hold Siyeon hand but she pull it away. 'Siyeon please just this time. We are competing with K Enterprise and if we lost this project I bet they will get more of our investor.' I can see that Mr.Lee really need Siyeon's help but it seems that Siyeon won't do it. 'I say I Won't do it. If this all you want to talk then I'm off' without letting Mr. Lee finish his word Siyeon walk to her room. Mr.Lee looking upset 'Mr.Lee let me talk to her.' he just smile at me.

Siyeon's POV

Why is it always have to be about the company? Can't he at least ask how is my day or how I feel. I fucking hate this family! I heard a knock 'just leave me'. 'its Jiu. I have tea and brownies. They say the brownies is delicious.' she open the door and walk to me. 'Do you want to try? I don't know if you like sweet but its good when you are not in the mood.' she pour tea for me. 'My father send you?' 'no. I come on my own. Siyeon why can't you do it? I mean its your company too.' I take a deep breath so I won't make her shock. 'I hate the company. I don't want to do it.Even if its gone I wont regret.' I look down not looking at Jiu's face. 'Siyeon if the company is not here, me and my sister probably leaving in that flat. Your father help me Siyeon and I am so glad to meet both of you. I know we just knew each other but I believe we will have a good bond.' Jiu hold my hand making me looking at her face. Honestly I'm not easy to be control but Jiu just know how to do it.

'How about this. Do it for me. You know that I am your fan right.' I chuckle at her statement 'I know but this is business Jiu. I just hate meeting them.'. 'Ok then. How about after the meeting we go somewhere. You don't hate me arent you?' she pout her face like a bunny. 'Haha I don't. Are you sure you and shorty is sibling?you guys are so opposite.' I guess my statement making her laugh so hard. 'You are funny Siyeon. We are sister but Sua can be cool sometimes. Its ok give her sometimes. I think you both will be a good friend.' ya I bet.

Handong's POV

Its my off day and I was thinking to go for a run. Its been awhile since I take a fresh air. Honestly the showcase last time was not heavy but my legs have being acting up lately. I guess maybe because I wear high heal too long. At evening I went to the nearby park. Haa this is nice. The weather, kids laughing and fuck my legs! 'ow..ow... come on its not even hour and you already acting up.' I talk to myself. 'Are you ok miss?' I look up and see a girl with pink hair. 'Let me help you.' she help me walk to nearest bench. 'Thank you.' she smile. Aww she have a cute smile. 'Can you take off your shoes?' what? 'ah, I'm sorry. My name is Lee Gahyeon. I'm physiotherapy.'. I take of my shoes letting her to check. 'How long has it been?' she look up at me. 'Few weeks ago. Maybe because I wear high heal too long.' she put a pressure nearby my ankle and I can feel a slight pain. 'I think you sprained your ankle but I suggest you to go for a check up to know more.'. 'can you walk?' I try to walk but somehow I can't get up. Lucky she hold me.

Gahyeon decided to send me home by taxi. 'Wow you have a nice house.' she look around 'and full of your picture.'. 'hahah well..I'm a model so its normal to have my picture around.' she look at me with shocked expression. She look like a little fox which is cute. 'Can I get you anything? Maybe a juice?' I walk to my kitchen 'o ,don't worry. You should sit. I'll get the drink.' she stop me and prepare the drink. Wow she making the kitchen like her place. 'Are you a doctor then?' she sip the drink and nod. 'Where?' 'why? Are you interested to get treated by me?' she smirk. 'Well what if I do?' I close my face with her. I can see that her face changing to red. 'I'm..I'm gonna leave now.' I pull her wrist making her to look at me. 'I'll give you my number, maybe if I need something I can call you. Will that be ok?' she nod. What a cute girl but I bet she won't text me knowing the way she act just now.

Yoohyeon's POV

The next day I went to the dojo. This dojo is one of my business but it's not run by me. Yubin or Dami, my childhood friend. Well more like her family working with my family. I enter the dojo and I see that she's practicing with her opponent. Dami have learned martial arts ever since she was a kid. She was born with that talent. I used to sparring with her and it didn't take her too long to pinned me down. Her family trained most of my guards but Dami received another lesson which is weaponized lesson, making her one of the skillful bodyguard.

'Yoohyeon what is it about?' she sit infront of me wearing her training uniform. The maid serve us a drink. 'I want you to 'teach' a lesson on someone. Remind her not to touch something that belong to me.' Dami looking at me knowing who I mean. 'Siyeon is it?'I just smirk. I don't have to tell Dami the detail when she know how to do her job. Other than being a trainer, Dami actually a spy I send to the Lee company. So far she have not disappoint me. 'Let's do it tonight then since she have a recording tonight.' I smile at her. This going to be fun.

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