Chapter 25: Testing Limits

Start from the beginning

"You're always so optimistic," he slightly smiled, "Alright, I'll try to find common ground with him."

"Miss Ambrose!" someone called out. I turned around to see Barbatos walking towards us.

"Hi, Barbatos," I greeted "How can I help you?"

He held out a white envelope with a red wax seal, "The Young Master asked for me to deliver this to you. It came this morning to the castle from the Human Realm."

"Thank you," I accepted the envelope from him.

Barbatos slightly dipped in a bow before taking his leave.

Dear Rose,

I am writing to let you know I have dealt with the one responsible for your mother's murder. It turns out some faerie had collaborated with a human to sneak in iron extract past the border to the Faerie Realm. There's no need for you to worry about me. I am doing well and I hope you are too.

Stay safe!


"This is not my dad."

"What do you mean?" Lucifer examined the letter, "How can you tell it's not him?"

When my parents lived apart, my dad would always send me letters. Though we would talk over the phone and video chat, writing letters to each other was something special between us. From that, I unconsciously picked up on my dad's writing tendencies.

"My dad finishes a letter with 'love you always' or a drawing of a heart. The second thing is he always calls me 'Little Rose,' no matter how serious or silly the letter is."

More importantly, I knew if my dad had something important to tell me, especially regarding my mother, he would tell me in person.

"Who else could it be?"

I had never met my dad's side of the family in the Devildom. All of my mom's family lived in the Faerie Realm, but they all got along with each other. Some of my distant relatives and cousins lived in the Human Realm, but I hadn't spoken to them in decades.

We kept our lives private, and I never heard of anyone outside of our family who had any bad intentions against us.

I was stumped.

All I could reply with was, "I don't know."


"Let me get this straight," I scolded Satan, "You're in Lucifer's body for a day and you already cause trouble?"

Satan had taken advantage of being in Lucifer's body and attempted all sorts of schemes. He went over to the newspaper club and promised to increase funding in exchange for a bribe. He and Mammon planned a secret party with a bunch of succubi, but unfortunately got caught.

"We both agreed we wouldn't do any kind of funny business while we're in each other's bodies, Satan," Lucifer reminded him.

"I'm Lucifer right now," Satan towered over Lucifer, "You should show some respect to your older brother."

I agreed with Lucifer, "Satan, Lucifer isn't doing anything in your body, why are you not holding up your end?"

"Here's a better question for you: why are you sticking up for Lucifer? Is it because you pity him?"

"First of all, keep in mind this body swap is only temporary," I reminded him, "Second of all, I would stick up for any of you."

I was starting to reach my limit with Satan's and Lucifer's endless arguing. Earlier, they argued for fifteen minutes over where they would sit at the dinner table. By the time they sat down, their food was already freezing cold.

I hoped their discussion had worn them out in time for bed, but I was wrong. Their mouths didn't stop moving while they slept either. Lucifer would mumble all kinds of threats to Satan, while Satan continued to impersonate Lucifer.

I was seriously tempted to place a temporary hex that would get them to be quiet for the night. No, what I needed was some peace and quiet. I stepped out into the hall and heard sniffling not too far away.

I followed the sound to find Mammon strung up on the ceiling in the hallway by his wrists. I noticed the residue of tears on his cheeks.

"Mammon?" I called out, "What happened?"

"Rose! Thank goodness, it's you! Lucifer asked Beel to string me up and he made the ropes so tight. I've been up here for hours and I can't take it anymore. Can you please get me down?"

The rope was directly tied to the ceiling, which only meant I could fly up there. There wasn't anywhere nearby for Mammon to land either except the ground several feet below him.

"I can't carry you down though."

"That's fine! Just undo these ropes and I'll land on my feet."

I opened my wings and I flew up to him, struggling to undo the binds. After some time, I managed to loosen the ropes and free Mammon. I was impressed when he managed to stick the landing.

With him down, Mammon tightly hugged me, "Thank you so much! I know you're a faerie, but you're seriously an angel."

"Mammon, you have to help me get those two to make up."

"Those two have been at each other's throats for centuries. What can I do?"

"At least help me to get them to sit down and talk to each other."

Mammon snapped his fingers, "I have an idea! Why don't we lock them both up in a room and get them to talk? Plus, I know it will be excellent entertainment. We'll sell tickets and everything!"

I seriously pondered on Mammon's idea, "Let's call that Plan B."

I knew if they both were in a room without supervision, they would end up destroying the whole place.

I tried to think of alternatives, but they would all most likely end up in destruction or further angering the two demons.

Mammon placed both of his hands on my shoulders, "Look, you're smart, tough, and always find a way out. I know this whole mess will get sorted out. For now, we should probably get to sleep. You won't be able to use your brain if you're tired."

Mammon headed towards his room while I went in a completely different direction.

"Yo, Rose? Aren't you going back to your room?"

"And deal with Mr. Pride and Mr. Wrath arguing with each other in their sleep? No way!" Though, I don't know how Lucifer and Satan will react to me being gone in the morning. I continued, "I'm on cooking duty tomorrow and I have to get up early anyway. If I'm in another room, I won't risk waking them up. There's no I'm not putting up with those two before I've had coffee."

"You can stay in my room," Mammon offered, "You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

"That's very kind of you, but no thanks."

"Well, if you change your mind, just come in my room, no need to knock. You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."

"Thanks, Mammon. Have a good night."

With a pillow and blanket in hand, I headed into the music room. I found myself coming to this room more frequently, especially when I needed a change of scenery. I also found this room to be strangely comforting.

I made my bed on the couch, and allowed myself to peacefully doze off.

Just a few days and everything will go back to normal.

Just a few days. 

I hope.

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