Jiu's POV

I spending my time exploring the mansion. I have private nurse to company me since I haven't got appointment. The mansion is big but I feel bored doing nothing. 'Nurse Choi can we go out?' I look at the lady who reading my blood pressure. 'I was about to ask you to get ready, since Mr.Lee ask me to bring you to shopping mall. You guys didn't bring lot of things so he ask me to bring you to buy some clothes.' 'but I don't have money.' nurse Choi give me a card. 'Mr.Lee ask to use his card.' wow he surely a nice man. He provide lot of things for us.

'Let me know if you feel tired Ms.Kim.' nurse Choi walking beside me wearing her casual clothes.'Just call me Jiu and sure I will let you know but right now I'm ok' I smile at her.I bought some clothes for me and Sua. I even bought her a dress, who know maybe someday she have to wear it too. I also treat nurse Choi since she company me and I guess I will spend more time with her. Although Mr.Lee give me his card I'm not going to spend alot.

'Jiu come in' nurse Choi enter the lift. Just about the door close 'Hold up..' a man stop the door. A women wearing black suit with her hair tied up enter. 'Thank you' she smile and I just nod. 'Jiyeon. Yes can I meet you today for dinner? Ok I'll pick you up.' she end her call 'I will have dinner with Jiyeon later. So you can leave after this.' she told her bodyguard. Suddenly the lift stop making me fall 'Jiu are you ok?' I nod at nurse Choi question 'don't worry I'm fine' I smile to her. 'Hey what happen?' her bodyguard pressing the voice button 'I'm sorry sir but it seems there's technical problem. We will get you. Give us few minute.' the other person on the line answer. I can see that they are pissing off. 'its ok. A few minute won't hurt me.' the women tell her bodyguard.

5 minute past and I can see that she sweating alot. She take off her jacket, unbutton her shirt. 'Are you ok miss?' I ask her but she just keep silent. 'I'm fine. I just need some space.' she's breathing heavily. 'Boss should I break the door?' 'no just keep your distance from me. Its hard for me to breath.' I can see she's breathing heavily. 'Are you perhaps scare of small space?' I ask her and I was right. 'Close your eyes' I ask her, at first she was hesitate but then she close her eyes. I hold her hand and sing a song. I can see her breathing slowly change to normal. I sing a children song, my dad write it for me and Sua. They sing it to us whenever we have nightmare.

'Are you ok now?' she nod. 'I want to ask you something but how did you know that song?' I smile at her 'My father wrote it for me and my sister when I was a kid. One time we got lock in the basement at my house and there was a kid who always play with us, she scared of small space like you. So I sing for her.'. she looking at me not blinking her eyes. The lift start to move again and the door open. 'Thank you for your help miss..' she raise her eyebrows 'Miss Minji' I look at her and she smile. She reach out something from her pocket 'This is my card. If you need anything just call me.' I take the card, watching her walk away. I look at the card 'Kim Yoohyeon; I feel like I have heard this name before.

Yoohyeon's POV

After I return from the shopping mall, I drive to Jiyeon's place. I thought maybe I should make sometime for her. I saw her walking to me wearing a casual clothes. 'Hey babe' I greet her with smile. 'Hey baby.' she smile back. I hold her hand 'Jiyeon..about last time at the office I'm sorry. I got hurt knowing someone touching you. I'm sorry.' I look at her regretting my action last time. 'Its ok Yooh. I'm sorry too for being reckless.' she smile at me and then she kiss my cheek making me blush.

I took her for a fancy dinner since its been awhile since the last time we went for a date. 'I have something for you' she looking at me. I take out a box from my pocket. 'for you' I give to her. She open the box 'aww its beautiful Yooh, but what is it for?' I hold her hand and look at her face 'for love that I have for you.' I kiss her hand making she smile. 'Thank you Yooh I really love it.'. after the dinner I ask her where she want to go but I didn't expect her to bring me to night club. I was thinking for a walk or somewhere that are cozy.

'Come on Yooh just this time. If you don't like it, I won't force you ok.'I hate to be here but maybe I should try. Since this is Jiyeon life. I need to learn, to adapt with her life too. We enter the club and its loud. Smell of alcohol and people making out. This is disgusting. 'Oh Ji,you are here. Let's dance!' Jiyeon friend pull her to dance floor 'It's ok you go. I'll be at the bar.'. I let her enjoy with her friend. I order some drink for myself. After few hours I start to feel restless. I look for Jiyeon and she was dancing with a guy. 'Sorry but she's mine.' I pull her from the man.

We walk to my car and clearly that Jiyeon having too much fun. 'Lets have more fun Yooh!' she shout 'Jiyeon we going home. You drunk.'. Jiyeon try to kiss me but the smell of the alcohol and sweat just too much for me, so I push her hand 'you are no fun Yooh unlike Siyeon.'. With that name I turn to Jiyeon. 'What you say?' Jiyeon just laugh at me 'I say you are no fun unlike Siyeon. You know what she fuck me so good that night.' I can feel my anger build up. 'Are you telling me the one who mark you is Siyeon?' 'yes baby.'. I send Jiyeon home knowing she too drunk I bet she telling me the truth.

I called one person when it come to this job. 'Yubin I have job for you.'


Finally Dami. Ok I didn't forget Dami, she just another role. What role? well you have to read ^^

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