You Know - Sylvie x Reader (+Loki)

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✨ You Know - Loki x Reader x Sylvie ✨

A/N: Shoutout to all my dear LGBTQIA+ family out there, especially for those who aren't comfortable coming out right now. I hope that coming out to Loki and Sylvie helps!


Your day had started out... normal.

You'd put on your Roxxcart uniform and tried to push your thoughts away - the bad ones, the ones that scared you.

And then, right on cue, a massive tsunami threatened to destroy the entire town, and kill everyone in it-

Including you.

You'd mostly resigned yourself to it. You weren't special, why would you deserve to live when everyone else around you died?

...That day, though-

Well, it seemed like the universe had other plans.

A woman had grasped your arm, and all at once, you were kicked out of your mind, and she took over. You watched as she used your body to battle another man, until finally, she let you go.

Coughing, you tried to rise.

"...Are you alright?"

The man lingered over you - not touching you, but watching, carefully. You supposed he was still a little wary of you.

"Uh... yes," you stammered, allowing him to help you off the floor. "Yes, I'm okay."

The man gazed into your eyes, looking deeply concerned.

Then, behind him-

A woman stood.

Not like any woman you'd ever seen.

She waved at the man, once, and then disappeared through a futuristic portal. The man looked at you, again -

And then he disappeared through it, too.

You supposed you had a couple options.

One, you could stay here and hope the hurricane was kind to you.

Two - you could disappear through the space portal.

Two was considerably more tempting.

So... against all your training, you'd done it. Now, you were here.

On a train.

With two gods of mischief.

One of which was getting considerably drunk.

"So," began Loki, "Is there a lucky beau waiting for you, at the end of this crusade?"

"There is, actually - I've managed to maintain quite a serious long-distance relationship with a postman, whilst running across time from one apocalypse to another."

Loki chuckled.

"What about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be princesses, or perhaps... another prince."

"A bit of both," said Loki. "I suspect... the same as you. But nothing ever..."


"Me, too," you admitted, quietly. The two gods turned to look at you.

"What did you say, dear?"

"I mean... I'm... you know."

It was Loki who put his arms around you first - then Sylvie followed after, both of them squeezing you as tightly as they could manage.

"We know."

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