Ophelia, this time, felt her heart breaking slowly as she made way over, dropping to her knees as she wrapped her hands around Rafe's forearms, tugging at them gently. "I'm so afraid to loose you again, O." Rafe cried softly. "I can't loose you again."

Rafe fell limp into Ophelia's embrace, the only thing that made him feel happy and whole currently making him fall into pieces, knowing how toxic and overbearing he could be putting the mere thought in his head that Ophelia would eventually leave.

"Look at me." Ophelia spoke sternly, either hand wrapping around the boy's face. "I need you to trust me, Rafe." He only nodded. "I need you to remember that I am yours." Another nod. "You are not fucked up, Rafe. You are mine."

Rafe, as still as ever, let his eyes move from side to side, never leaving the girls face. From looking into her eyes to starring down at her soft lips, goosebumps rose over his tanned skin, the lump that was formed in the back of his throat fading out into complete nothingness.

And then - a real, genuine smile tugged at his lips, through the tears, and all.

"I'm the way I am because I'm so afraid of loosing you." Rafe admitted lowly, his eyes falling to his lap, where Ophelia used her index finger to bring his chin upwards. "You'll never loose me, Rafe."

The pair starring directly at each other, Rafe felt his heart fall into the pits of his stomach, giving the girl a stern look, even through the tears and flushed over face. "Even if I went to jail?"

Ophelia had been essentially living her worst nightmare, attempting to get Rafe back on his feet only for him to be kicked down again. This time? A text from his father did the job.

It had been a long, excruciating hour, and Rafe had managed to turn half of Barry's trailer upside down, all while Ophelia sat back, legs curled into her chest, watching the scene unfold. She hadn't bothered to interfere, as much as even vocally begging him to stop.

At this point, she let him continue on his mass destruction, taking in the little moments when he would stop to look directly at her, their eyes locking their gaze, and for a moments time, before the next item went flying across the room, everything had seemed to be okay.

Ophelia had went over a thousand and one different questions in her head, though when Ward barged through the already opened trailer door, her mind grew blank, biting her tongue as her eyes followed Barry out of the trailer, her body shaking next to Rafe's.

Ward had sat next to Ophelia, yet his eyes were glued to Rafe's. Before Ophelia had even realized, hers had been too. He was tired. Not in the sense that he needed to sleep, but emotionally. He was drained, lifeless, and the only thing that kept him holding on was Ophelia.

Everything was for his best friend. Everything was for her.

"Rafe, Ophelia, I need you to listen to me." Ward ordered. "Look, I want you to take this." Ophelia's lips parted slightly, even in the warmth of the day her body grew cold, goosebumps littering over her skin as Ward held out a handful of cash. "Take this. Go to Wellmington, tonight."

Ophelia's eyes then fell to her lap, where as Rafe's looked over his shoulder, just to his left, where Ophelia sat shoulder to shoulder, only hoping she had been looking up at him, only hoping she would agree. That, would have made things much easier.

Instead, the girl remained silent, her head hung low as her eyes filled with tears, the voices around her soon becoming strangers. She hadn't listened much, her heart thumping in her chest as her whole body alerted to Rafe speaking up louder, every breath he took matching her own.

"Dad. I'm sorry." He sighed. "I was going to be better. For Ophelia. I was planning on getting clean."

Much like her boyfriend, Ophelia Martin had never liked anyone to see her cry. As if she was the same girl she was years ago, she rose to her feet, a soft sob escaping through her dry and cracked lips as she pushed herself away from the father and son, throwing her hands over her eyes as the tears poured freely.

At once, she heard everything, and now, absolutely nothing. Both Ward and Rafe were in complete and utter silence, the youngest Cameron ready to rise to his feet when his father had stopped him in place, one hand outstretched in front of Rafe, the other sunken into the sofa as he himself rose.


Ophelia this, Ophelia that. A name she once happened to love was now draining, and she had almost wished to move across the country and change her name. Maybe then, things would be better.

"Ophelia." Ward spoke again, this time much louder, the girl spinning on her heels with tear stained cheeks, her bottom lip quivering as her eyes fell across the room. "I'm sorry." The girl finally spoke up. "I just."

Ward, doing the unthinkable, wrapped his arms around Ophelia's shoulders, pulling her in softly. It was then Ophelia wasn't afraid to cry any longer, and Rafe could only watch from a distance, seeing his father embrace the love of his life whom was breaking slowly, yet trying to stay whole for him.

"I know you're afraid." Ward spoke softly. "I can not thank you enough for all you have done Rafe. We love you, and I can promise we both will not let anything happen to you." Shaking her head softly, Ophelia pulled herself from Ward's hold, wiping away the tears.

"It's not me I'm worried about." She admitted lightly. "Go with Rafe." Ward replied with a nod. "It's your best chance." The mere thought of Rafe getting caught had Ophelia in a fit of panic, though she knew for Rafe's sake, she ought to remain calm.

"You're always asking who I choose, and, well, I choose you son." Ward spoke in his final goodbye, to which Ophelia, blocking the entrance, furred her brows as she looked up to the older man.

"I hope you mean that, Ward." Placing a hand on her shoulder, Ward gave the girl a small smile, the apples of his cheeks flush from the burning sun just outside the trailer door. "Take care of my son, Ophelia. We both know you've done it better than anyone else ever could have."

With that, Rafe rose to his feet, meeting the girl half way as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, one hand in the middle of her back, the other imbedded deep within her hair. Everything had stopped for a moment, the small noises and chattered had grown silent, nothing but Rafe and Ophelia's matching breaths filling their ears.

"It's funny." Ophelia spoke softly, so soft, she was afraid her words would break the boy. "You've been scared that you were going to loose me this whole time and I guess we never thought of what would happen if I lost you."

Ophelia didn't want to cry, but she did, the thought of loosing Rafe, especially knowing it could potentially be behind bars, made her absolutely sick to her stomach. She couldn't loose Rafe, not now, not ever.

"Well, what do you say we get away from all of this?" Rafe, smiling lightly, tucked a stray hair behind the girls ear. "Let's start over. Me and you. The way it should be." Ophelia nodded softly, agreeing with the boy's words. "You will never loose me, Ophelia Martin."

The way it should be.

─ ☆°•.¸☆¸.•°☆ ─

Author's Note




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