The Unexpected Trip To Disney World part 3

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"See you, y/n/n" y/n/n? I looked back at her and it looked like she liked it coz she went up and kissed me in the cheek, and I looked so starstruck that I heard Thor and nat snickering behind us, great. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply

"Would you guys quit it" I snapped turning back to them

"Well great guys, you made Peter angry again" Wanda joked

"YOU WERE KITKATTING AS WELL" Thor retorted, wait what?

"Kitkatting?" I swear I was about to lose my mind

"Well isn't there a word like that from a chocolate name?" He asked rubbing his beard as if what he's thinking is very important "the one with caramel and biscuits of some sorts"

"You mean snickers?" Nat asked on the verge of breaking down from laughter


"What does that have to do with laughing?" Wanda said, eyes squinting

"Exact- wait do you mean snickering?" At this point nat was dead on the floor


"What the fuck?"


"Oh look you guys cheered up the kid" Mr Stark said eating his ice cream while cleaning Morgan's dirty shirt.

"Well not us, but definitely someone" nat smirked and I sighed in frustration.

"Can we just get back to the hotel I'm tired" Morgan spoke almost whining for the 2928383th time today

"Yes of course let's go, cupcake" I obviously took the opportunity to not talk about what happened. So I held morgan's hand and walked to the hotel.

The rest of the day was spent at the biggest suite I have ever see in my whole entire life. we argued about the monopoly rules which led to steve arguing like a grandma lecturing sam about how he cannot buy two hotels if he didn't have enough houses or dancing to one direction (Scott, Morgan and I suggested it and now Thor is a huge fan) and lastly we watched a movie.

But throughout these activities I haven't been particularly focusing, well I couldn't and I have a reason! *Ding* oh, speaking of the devil- wait, no no not a devil thats wrong, shes an angel ok anywas, Y/n was texting me. yes that y/n, that y/n that made me smile, that y/n that gave me light when I was at my darkest, even if I was at Disney world (and I still am) y/n was the one who made me smile.

Y/n/n: hey you staying till the end of the week, right?

Peter: yeah why?

Y/n/n: meet me at the Disney castle at 9am :)

oh my god

Peter: i'd love to y/n/n

Hhe was exploding inside, fingers shaking from excitement and nervousness. But he also tried to calm down since Morgan was sitting beside him waiting fir him to finish texting 'anonymous girl'

Y/n/n: OH, and tell your friends you'll be back by sunset 🤗

Okay now that made him excited. He's spending the whole day with the girl he potentially liked? His mind was spiralling right now, his spider sense obviously not helping.

"Peter are you doooone? I wanna play monopoly jr with my cinnamon roll!" Morgan whined sending his mind back on earth.

"Yeah yeah I'm done let's go cupcake" peter shook his head from thinking of the thousand possibilities of what could happen tomorrow and walked with Morgan to the dining room to play monopoly jr.

Y/n's POV

I was sitting on couch my phone, my hand lazily scrolling through my apps to find something interesting. No luck.

"Y/n can you come for a second!" I heard a voice calling my name, guess I better help my parents/guardians "ok ok cominggg" I turned off my phone, yeeted it to the couch and jogged to the kitchen in our suite.

"Who was that boy you were with today?" My best friend came out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me.

"AHH" I yelped from the sudden voice then smacked her in the arm "y/BFF/n DONT DO THAT EVER AGAIN" I glared at her, mostly for scaring me but also for talking very loudly about a boy I was with infront of my parents! "And shut up ill tell you later"

I continued helping my family for the dinner and organizing the suite since we'll be staying here for almost two weeks for my best friends birthday. Her family and mine rented a big suite for all of us to stay in, and it's so cool to like, live with my best friend kind of. It felt like it, and it reminded us if our future plans to move in together.

When everything was settled I went back to the couch and took my yeeted phone back to have a message from the boy I was with. Peter, yeah Peter. I smiled warmly just at the thought of him texting me, I was whipped and I don't even know the guy very well, my best friend would kill me! But thank god I'm keeping that detail out.

I quickly typed my password in and opened messages to see his text pop up.

Pete :) : heyy

Aww, ok why am I gushing over a 'heyy' seriously y/n stop it,

Y/n: hiii

Was that too many i's? Did I mess up already? But before I could procrastinate even further peters typing bubble stopped and at that point my Idiotic self thought she missed her chance but turns how he was just sending what he was typing. Maybe someone called him and that why he was late? But I was happy that it wasn't what my dumbass thought.

Pete :) : how have you been :)

Y/n: been good, just finished settling in the suite, what abt u?

Pete :) : oh you're in a suite too? Cool

Y/n: yeahh which one are you in?

Pete: oh the biggest one at the end..because we'd get super crowded 😅

Y/n: no i get it, it must be exhausting to live with the avengers ;)

Pete: yeah

Pete: wait what?

Y/n: oh come on pete! I could recognize Thor anywhere, even with his glittery Mickey Mouse shirt? I don't even know what that was but the point is I can recognize my bae anywhere 😌

Yes, I did have a crush on Thor when I was younger. I mean he is still my superhero crush, but I'm not as obsessed as i was with him when I was 10!

Pete :) : your..bae huh?

Y/n: yuppp

Pete :) : trust me you wouldn't call him bae when he'd eat all the poptarts in the snack bar 🙄

Y/n: are you jealous Pete? 👀

Pete: whaaaaat? Me? Nahhh

Y/n: shut up you are jealous! 💀

Y/n: don't worry Peter , no one can replace you ;)

And so the night went on with us texting and messing around, getting to know eachother more. It was really fun and I really liked a person of course, not the other thi- anyways! I decided to ask him one more thing before going to bed.

Y/n: hey you staying till the end of the week, right?

Pete :) : yeah why?

Y/n: meet me at the Disney castle at 9am :)

Pete :) : i'd love to, y/n/n

𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 - 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon