Movie night at the avengers compound

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Movie night with your boyfriends second family

Warning: a lotta fluff, slight language 

Pairing: Peter x fem!reader 

Status: dating 🥰

(Y/n/n: your nickname btw)

It's you traditional Friday avengers movie night, where all..well most of the avengers watch movies together as family time (not all the avengers come every Friday but they try their best to)

so all the avengers gathered up and went to the largest living room, you may ask why we don't use the theatre room but Tony always say that "family time" is spending the day with each other not scattered around in a theatre *A/N: sorry to anyone who does them in the theatre they're all great I LOVE reading them, but for a movie night I just imagine them in the living room*

Tony just prefers us to huddle up in the huuuge couch and some would sit on the comfy side chairs or on the soft fuzzy floor from literally THE most comfortable rug EVERRR.

Vision and I are usually in charge of the snacks, they let vision get them coz they know he won't eat any of the food, but what's stupid is that they also put ME in charge, and I am definitely a foodie especially for snacks!

Once vision and I put the snacks in the table that's in the middle of the whole seating arrangement, we sit back quickly to get the best spots.

"Y/N/N!! RIGHT HERE!" Peter said, I mentally thanked my considerate boyfriend that he saved THE best spot..well in my opinion, which is the bed side of the comfortable L shaped couch, so Peter and I were basically cuddling 

"So" tony says clapping his hands together "what are we watching?" Looking at the rest, and like every single damn time, everyone shouts they're movie recommendation all at once

"THE NOTEBOOK" Wanda screams with a smile on her face

"IT, IT, IT, IT" nat and Clint chant

"MEAN GIRLS!" Thor shouts

"STAR WARSSS" Peter beams with his cute smile and lit up eyes, I wanted to pick something on my own but seeing peters face made me melt, so I had to help him out!

"YEAH STAR WARS" I scream throwing pop corn at Thor, and when he noticed, he started dumping the whole box on me.

"THOR, OH MY GOD" I look at him and he has satisfaction written on his face. My face was pure rage, in a joking matter obviously but before I do anything Sam cuts me off and the rest still chanting their movie picks.

"YALL MOVIES ARE DISTASTEFUL, WE'RE WATCHING BAYWATCH" Sam screams at everyone *A/N: just think of any mature movie coz it fits with the story*

"THERE ARE KIDS HERE SAM!!" Steve shouts back, oh boy here we go again..


"HEY" tony yelled finally taking his attention off the discs he has in his hands.

"OH SHUT UP SAMANTHA!" I say,, he finally shuts up and slumps back to his seat while everyone's laughing

We FINALLY decided on the Aladdin live action movie, Thor never watched it so we HAD to show him or..I had to show him 😂

I was snuggled in peters chest, our legs practically knitted together while his arms are wrapped around me, my right arm is holding his soft hand while my left is playing with his hair.

I was snuggled in peters chest, our legs practically knitted together while his arms are wrapped around me, my right arm is holding his soft hand while my left is playing with his hair

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A whole new world comes up, Thor was practically sobbing at this point, Loki has a hard yet emotional face trying to contain his feelings, nat was calming Steve and Clint down, coz they were also very into that scene, tony suddenly decided to put sunglasses (we all know why) and Peter was also tears eyed.

 I on the other hand was trying to distract myself by humming  the song, it always gave me goosebumps but I tried not to sing too loud.

guess I wasn't very subtle coz then Peter started singing with me, he never sung infront of me before and..,he had a good voice, wait let me correct that, an angelic voice, oh my god I could go to sleep just by hearing him sing one word.

 I looked at him when we finished the song and smiled, he reciprocated  and kissed me softly, just like the movie.

"You have a really good voice" I say stretching the "really"

"Nah, i don't think so, but YOU...that's a different story" he replies

"No I'm serious" I laugh "we should sing together sometime" I say practically begging him. *A/N: should I make that an imagine? Them singing together and maybe getting caught or smthg idk*

"Uhh I don't know y/n/n I'm not that good" he says softly snuggling his head in my neck

"Pleeease, let's try it at least?" I ask massaging his head, and groans in him 

"Fine ok" he grunts but secretly likes the idea


After 2hrs of singing and dancing to Aladdin, the movie finished, basically half of the avengers are asleep, nat, Steve, and Bucky decided to go to their comfortable bed instead of getting toes on their faces or get in an uncomfortable position, but for y/n and Peter, they basically had the best spot so no one could annoy them.

"Ok goodnight Peter and y/n" nat says waving at us from the doorway 

"night" Say, my voice muffling from the blackest and eyes closed

"Mmmbphm" Peter blurted out,  I don't even know what he was saying but it was so cute seeing his tired face, smushed from the blackest as well 

"Goodnight pete" i say getting closer to him 

"Night babe" he whispered  helping me get closer to him 

"Night babe" he whispered  helping me get closer to him 

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Wow, what a wonderful night 🥰

hope you guys liked this one! 

have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night 

- quacksonlover 

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