-Chapter 8-

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3rd person POV.

Tubbo sat up and rubbed his eyes to wake himself up, he then stretched while yawning and pushing the blanket away. He looked over to where Ranboo was sleeping and had to hold in a laugh, Ranboo looked as though he was really mad at someone or something. Tubbo stood up and walked over to Ranboo to wake him up. "RANBOO RANBOO OH MY GOD WAKE UP RANBOO!" Tubbo yelled as if there was something wrong. Ranboo jumped and shot up, "WHAT WHAT?!" He yelled back, still half asleep.

Tubbo just looked at him and burst into laughter and he sat down on the couch next to Ranboo, "You should have seen the look on your face." Tubbo had said, still giggling to himself. Ranboo grumbled something Tubbo couldn't understand, Ranboo decided to just lay back down but got interrupted by Tubbo grabbing his arm to pull him back up.

"Nope, no more sleep it's already" he looked over to a clock, "10 am and we need to get Tommy today." Ranboo looked the most confused Tubbo had ever seen him.

"Since when was Tommy coming over?" Ranboo asked Tubbo, making him put his arm down, and standing up to get off the couch. "Ehm a while, I just forgot to tell you," Tubbo said, nervously laughing. Ranboo sighed and got his clothes that he would be wearing, regular jeans, a white t-shirt, a philza hoodie, and socks, and went to go change in the bathroom.

Tubbo on the other hand pulled out his phone and scrolled through twitter. Thinking about what to make for breakfast, and thinking about what he, Ranboo, and Tommy would do.

After Ranboo was done dressing he came out and just stared at Tubbo, "Tubbo I got dressed in the bathroom so you would get dressed out here, you aren't going to wear your pajamas all day especially since Tommy is apparently coming over."

Tubbo just stood up and put his hands up defensively with his eyebrows raised as well and went to change. Ranboo noticed what he was doing so he went into the kitchen and told Tubbo to call him when he had gotten dressed.

✨Time skip to 4pm (wow way later :o) and Tommy is at their house now✨

"Pleaaaaase Tubbo," Tommy had whined dramatically. "Tommy no. Ranboo is staying in the UK and we've barely been anywhere, if we go somewhere we're taking him with us." Tubbo said with crossed arms and a serious face (well as serious as Tubbo can look-).

"Well it's not my fault he doesn't want to go anywhere with you." Tommy said in his usual cocky kind of voice. "It's not that he doesn't want to go, it's that last time something happened with one of the people in a cafe." Tubbo explained.

"You guys know that I'm right here... Right?" Both boys just ignored him, so Ranboo was bored and decided to just scroll through Twitter for a bit, well until the boys were done with their bickering

He saw mostly fanart, Tubbo ratioing some people, and just other stuff from random people he followed. Surprisingly there was a lot of people still talking about him and Tubbo meeting up, that's when it hit him, no one knows Tommy is here yet.

Ranboo POV.

I decided to record a video and post it on Twitter, originally it was going to be on Tiktok but I decided against it. I put on my mask and glasses and began recording.

"Guys, I'm stuck with these two idiots and they're fighting about whether or not to take me shopping with them. Four months I have to spend here. Four months." I whisper-yelled while turning around the phone camera so that it was pointed towards Tommy and Tubbo who were STILL arguing except now it was on which store to actually go to. "Okay, well they aren't fighting about me anymore but they were though I swear." I ended the video there and posted it to Twitter.

It already had 80k likes and 5k retweets. Tommy and Tubbo might be mad later but that's okay, I thought to myself, smiling at the fact that I had just leaked the benchtrio meetup when usually that was Tubbo's job.

3rd person POV.

"Okay, so we decided that we aren't going to go anywhere and instead we're just going to watch movies all day until George and Wilbur want to come over so we can film vlogs and stuff." Tubbo said, grabbing the remote and opening Netflix while sitting in the middle of the couch. Ranboo shrugged and sat to the left of him so he had the leg rest thing, and Tommy just sat to the right of Tubbo.

No one knew what movie to watch so they ended up just watching The Office, South Park, and Adventure Time for the rest of the day- well until Lani brought them three boxes of pizza. They ate almost two of the boxes of pizza before Tubbo and Ranboo fell asleep leaning on each other, Tommy just looked at them with the "what the hell" face and whispered something about being married.

Tommy got up from the couch bringing the boxes with him and moving them into the kitchen, there he sat on one of the bar stools and scrolled through Twitter seeing "Benchtrio meetup" trending, right after seeing that he say the video Ranboo had posted and just whispered and "oh" before yawning and heading back into their room. Since Ranboo and Tubbo were asleep on the couch Tommy just decided to borrow Tubbo's bed.

Sorry for the short chapter :( I just wanted to get smthn out since school starts on Wednesday and I feel bad for not posting more :( also were so close to 1 THOUSAND reads :OOOO thank you so much :')

Tubbo's song was so cool btw :o also mcc sucks that Ranboo's team didn't win :( but thats okay they still did really well :D Dream's team won again so thats cool :)


Also im gonna do a thing that it i get 15 followers on Twitter ill start writing dnf :) so go follow me @/TiredInternet or go to my bio theres a link :D ill actually make good chapters as well :] 

The Meetup - A Beeduo/Benchtrio story :DWhere stories live. Discover now