Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Inosuke cussed me out the few seconds we fell, Tanjirou just screamed. I faced the top of the well as we fell, I saw the boney creature peer down the well as we fell and screeched loudly. The last thing I saw as I plummeted into the liquid.

I was in a dark liquid, totally emerged, but I could see clearly for some reason. I saw under me that there was a light, it resembled the light outside the main doors the other times we had escaped this world. I tried to swim to it, but it seemed so far away. I was all alone, I was scared, and I felt myself start running out of air.

I swam as fast as I could, but I couldnt hold my breath any longer. I slowed down, I was tired, my lungs hurt and I accidently gasped for air but was met with only liquid filling my lungs.

I flared my arms and legs in a panic, but then everything went even darker and fuzzy. I felt a hand on my shoulder that turned me to face them. It was Giyuu, he looked really scared when he saw the last air leaving my lungs in tiny bubbles.

He placed both of his hands on my cheeks and pulled me close, he connected our lips and breathed some air into my mouth. It was a few seconds of relief, but the air was probably mostly carbon dioxide. He grabbed onto me and swam towards the light. But just as we were about to enter it, everything around me went black.

I gasped awake loudly, I leaned over the side of the bed and threw up. I coughed up a bunch of watery black fluid as well as some of last nights dinner, I gasped and panted, taking in as much air as I possibly could.

"What's going on!?" Gloria burst in with Zenitsu behind her.

I could almost feel the water dripping down my face and my hair sticking to sides of my head, as if I had just gotten out of the shower. Gloria rushed over to my side and started asking if I was ok and pressing her hand onto my forehead. But I wasn't listening to anything she was saying, my eyes went to Tanjirou and Inosuke's beds. And they were ok, they were awake and breathing.

Gloria said something to other three boys and they all left the room, she left too and came back with the well-known medicine bucket and some cleaning supplies. She first mopped up the floor before giving me some medicine, I would've asked what it was but I felt weak. I could only manage a weak groan at the gross tasting medicine.

After Gloria left the other three rushed into the room.

"Sabito, are you ok?" Zenitsu asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok" I groaned.

"What happened?" Tanjirou asked as he looked over me.

"I think I almost drowned" I explained.

"Hey Sabito" Inosuke asked.

"Yeah, what is it Inosuke?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"Fuck you" he said plainly.

"Wow, what did I even do to you?" I said in a pissed off voice.

"You pulled me into the well after I very specifically said I wasnt going!" he snapped.

"Oh so you're mad at me for saving your life?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly" he said smugly.

"Ok, whatever, let's move on from that, we're all alive, that's what matters" Tanjirou said.

"Do you think Giyuu made it out alive, I swam straight to the light but he just kinda swam around" Zenitsu said.

"Yeah, he's fine I said, I saw him go into the light"

Then after all that calmed down the reality of everything I had said the day before sunk into them, Tanjirou and Inosuke took it better than I had expected, it was Zenitsu that had the major breakdown. But at least they believed me now.

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