Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sabito's POV

I picked up the bell off the ground and looked at the thick wall of vines in front of us.

"A dead end" Tanjirou said, "Great!" he exclaimed angerly.

"I don't think so, the bell would've turned" around I said.

Giyuu walked over to the wall of vines and pressed his face to it, "There's an opening behind the vines, I can see light and like an opening I think" he said.

I pressed my eye to the vines and through the thickness I could see some light and what appeared to be an opening in the maze, the center of it.

"We have to get through theses vines, we can't find another way now" I said as I started pulling the vines apart

The others followed and before long wed ripped up the vines. I noticed that the vines wed ripped up had fallen to the ground and shrivelled up. I saw the other interconnecting vines also started to shrivel and die. The death of the plants quickly spread and soon the whole area was soon dying or dead. I almost felt bad for the flowers, but then there was a long string of screeches and screaming from not too far behind us.

I pushed them through the vines, there were only a few left so we were able to get through easily.

"Inosuke" I immediately yelled out.

"I'm here, I'm at a dead end and the monster is closing in!" he screamed.

Instead of the walls being grass they were some sort of white marble, same as he floor. There was a well in the center of the marble opening, the vines we had just ripped out were covering a marble arch, there were other arches in the circular clearing, as if the vines were covering up the entrances to the center. We quickly located which one Inosuke was behind and started ripping away the vines. The plants and other vines around it started to die. As the others had done.

When there was enough space we pulled Inosuke through the vines.

"Ok, now what?" Inosuke asked as the stomping of the monster got closer and closer.

Well, the only thing I can think of is to jump down the well, it might be the backdoor were looking for Giyuu said as we all walked over to the well and looked down it. There was some sort of black liquid at the bottom of it, Im not sure if it was just dark or if it was the liquid that was dark.

I saw the monster through the arch charging at us and wailing and screaming, for whatever reason. I had the gut feeling that it was over the roses that had died because we ripped up all the vines.

"Ok, well, there's no where else to go. Who knows, maybe well be transported back into the house?" I said hopefully.

Inosuke rolled his eyes at me, "Or maybe it'll kill us"

"Maybe, I volunteer to go first" Giyuu said as he climbed onto the edge of the well.

"We all should go, I'll go too I don't care I just want to get away from here!" Zenitsu screamed.

He also climbed onto the edge of the well and looked down, he took a deep breath and let himself fall into the well screaming all the way until he hit the liquid, Giyuu went seconds later and the monster was almost to us.

"No, no way Im doing that!" Inosuke protested.

I didn't care, I grabbed Inosuke and pulled him into the well, I grabbed onto Tanjirou's arm on the way down since he had already gotten onto the edge but was visibly extremely hesitant.

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