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"Moana, Ryou, wake up we're about to land"

"Omg that looks so cool"

"Ryou how can you have so much energy when you barely wake up Moana is still half asleep"

"Shut it y/n"

Moana groaned from the isle seat

"Please fasten your seat belts, place bags under the seat and close tray tables were about to land"

"Ready Ryou"

"Yes i want to see"

Ryou smiled so big it even made you happy

The plane started to land and all you could hear from Ryou was wow, omgg, this is so cool.

"Alright passengers file out from front to back"

"Wait Ryou where is your backpack"

"Oops i left it over at my spot"

"Really Ryou"


"Where were you-"

"Dude and dudet is this your guys back pack by any chance"

"Its pikachu"

"Shut up ryou"

You embarrassedly said to your brother

"Yes thats mine"

Your brother stated

"Ok here and my name is Denki Kaminari not pikachu"

"Sure it is"

"Yea well bye"

"Y/n i am so sure that was him"

"Your brother is as annoying as you y/n"

Moana said annoyed

"Ahhaahah yeah"

"Well one was enough i hope i never see you again"

"Ok byee Moana"

Monama walked to the isle to leave

"Ok Ryou lets go"

You and Ryou walk out the plane into the hallway thing and see your mom waiting outside of it

"Hey mom"

"Oh there you are Ryou"

"Yeah hi mom"

"Wow do i just get ignored"

"Oh sorry"


"Don't give me that y/n, lets go get the luggage"


You all walk over to the conveyer belt (idk whats it called) and wait for luggage

"Ok so which color do you have mom?"


"Okay and you Naku?"

"Black oh and Ryou's its also black"

"Ok and mines dark blue- theres moms"

"Yes this ones mine"

"Anddd maybe Naku's or Ryou's"

"Ok let me see, no this one says Denki Kaminari"

"Oh pickachu thats his fake name"

"Ryou what are you talking about"

"A guy i met on the plane"

"Ok well i am gonna put it back"

"Mom get that black one"

Nobody needs to know//bakugou x y/n//Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum