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"Hey wake up"

"Hmm, what"

You were still half asleep while responding

"Get off my shoulder it's starting to hurt"

"Oh shut up I've only been asleep for like 20 minute you're so weak"

"Just get off"

You move your head from his shoulder to the window side

"Damm now i am awake and I can't sleep now"

"Well its not my fault"

"It literally-"

"Excuse me would you like anything"

"Yea can i have a water"

"Yes of course"

"And you sir"

"I don't want anything airplane food tastes like its from the dollar store"

"Omg shut up Moana thats mean"


"Just be quiet"


"I am sorry"

"Its ok we have had many customers like this"

You just smiled awkwardly at her

"Ok i will be right back"

She walked away to the back and you looked down at Moana

"You stupid shit"

"What, I didn't do anything YOU were the one calling me Moana"

"Okay then since you hate you last name so much ill call you by your first name, Nintendo"


"Um no i think your wrong"

"No i am not"

"Whatever anyway you totally ruined my chances with her shes so pretty"

"Wait your-"

"Shut up she's walking over here"

"i have you water here"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

She walked away and gave other people drinks

"Ok what were you gonna say"

"You like girls"

"No but she was hot maybe for her i would but I don't really"

"That was way to confusing"

"Yeah because your an idiot"


You and Moana kept arguing for a while

"Whatever i am tired i am going to sleep"

Nobody needs to know//bakugou x y/n//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt