Injured Conffesion pt.1?

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Loki laid pitifully draped across Mobius' small couch shirtless with bandages wrapped around his abdomen, wincing with ever slight movement, the result of a mission gone wrong .

Loki had basically thrown himself in front of Mobius when he saw a oncoming variant with a dagger getting stabbed and almost killed . Mobius was very concerned with the current sate of the god

"Loki, what were you thinking" Mobius mumbled sitting at the coffee table. Loki sat up carefully groaning "I was thinking Protect Mobius M. Mobius at all cost's no matter what"Loki responded.

Both men sat in silence for a moment  before Mobius sighed "Loki you can't keep doing this, I saw it coming and I was completely prepared, your body can't take much more" Loki looked up at the man he had grown very fond of.

"I would rather die then let you get hurt, Mobius, I would do that ten thousand times again as long as you're still ok" Loki sighed.

Mobius scoffed at how stubborn the injured god seated in front of him was "Loki one of these times we're not going to get so lucky and you're going to get hurt where we can't help you"

"Mobius a life without you isn't worth living, I would and most likely will die fighting for you, and I'm okay with that demise as long as you're safe" Loki shuddered at the thought.

Mobius felt tear's pricking the back of his eye's, Loki really cared for him.He's watched Loki grow into the kind almost good person he is now. Don't get me wrong it took a lot of work and therapy but at the end it was worth it.

"It doesn't matter if I'm safe when you're dead, what will I do with myself if I know you're dead and the reason you're dead is because you felt this immense need to protect me" Mobius stated in a very emotional whisper.

"You will remember me and make sure my memory stays strong, you'll hopefully live the rest of your life happy maybe even have a wife and/or kids"Loki answered

Mobius however didn't want to get married to anyone (especially a woman unless it was a fem day for Loki) besides the god sitting in front of him.

"Loki I wouldn't be able to think about anything else besides the fact that you died, I would miss you so much there's nothing else I would think of"Mobius finally stated after many minutes of silence.

"My point is that I'll do anything to make sure you're safe"Loki said getting lost in Mobius's beautiful blue eyes "Loki why do you care? You went from mr. 'I hate everyone and don't give two fucks' to mr. 'My number one priority is keeping a mortal safe' why do you care?"

Loki was about to confess, he took a deep breath before deciding to speak "Mobius, I care because I love you I love you so so much"

Mobius froze his jaw dropped "You what?" He muttered still unable to proses what the god was saying "I love you" Loki repeated "Now I'm going to go to my apartment to get some sleep before I do something even more stupid then confessing the fact I'm in love with my straight best friend"

Loki got up before sliding his shirt on, Mobius sat there still completely shocked.Then the reality hit him Loki thought he was straight.

I woke up today and chose violence
*Evil smirk*
I'll get part two out soon sorry
-A gay struggling author

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