introducing the world

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Techno pov:

All my life I lived in a tower one of three, the others inhabited by my brothers Tommy and Wilbur. Tommy had the shortest tower Wilbur had the medium tower, and I had the large tower.

The towers were long and not very wide. In the towers a spiral staircase, leading room by room. Often times you would see one tiny space for a desk, the next floor a library, one for sleeping, and we each had a balcony that surrounded the tower.Or at least that's how I had my laid out. I've never been to Tommy's and Wilbur's towers.

We were never allowed to leave, our father told us that the world around us was a fiery pit of hell. If you stepped outside, you would die, and if you felt a small breeze you shall fly away never to be seen again.

The towers were separated. And a wall surrounded them, connecting to the towers and going around the massive waterfall behind the towers, blocking the city from seeing us the water over flooded inside the wall letting the water overflowing the wall, creating a second waterfall.

Every day our father would deliver our meals. He was the king of a nation and a great ruler. He could sore throghy thesky on his big black wings. Sometimes having his crows deliver messages.

But after some time, I grew tired of the same routine. Waking up and yelling out to my brothers if they had a nice day or night. I'd spend many days perfecting my swordsmanship, And working on landscape paintings of the places I wish to go. There was a point where I built a ladder as long as possible out of the materials I had in my tower. I plan to make an escape just not anytime soon.

AN: hi how was your day? Mine was shit. Anyways sorry if this was a little confusing, I just needed to make sure everyone understood the structure of the castle. If you still don't understand comment, and ask a few questions, I will be happy to answer anything!

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