Chapter 12

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Harry and Malfoy continued to talk for a while about everything and Malfoy apologized multiple times for being such an asshole and saying mudblood to Hermione.

He had told Harry that it was all because of his parents who wouldn't give him another choice.

It was still hard to believe, though, because Harry had seen Malfoy being mean in multiple occasions as well.

"Crabbe and Goyle kinda left me on a thread but I'm still friends with Pansy and Blaise," Malfoy said, twirling around a leaf in his fingers.

"The thing I still can't relax on... Why did you always insult the Weasley family?" Harry asked in question.

"Because of my mum and dad, the ministry, Voldemort, the way I was raised, the former death eater thing...this is how I got things taught and how I believed them."

"And why don't you believe them anymore?" asked Harry.

"You," Malfoy answers plainly.

"You were the reason I changed. I saw the good in you," said Malfoy.

"And I relived I had been doing everything wrong until than," he added uncertainly.

Harry smiled lightly.

"Your going to have to give a long apology to Ro-" he began to say.

Just than, loud, crunching footsteps emitted from behind them.

It was Filch.

"Malfoy. Potter."

He sounded stern and Harry looked at him worriedly.

"A boy with another boy is not permitted at this scho-"

"WHAT?!" blasted out Malfoy at once, standing up.

"SO YOUR HOMOPHOBIC, ARE YOU?!" Malfoy screamed.

"MALFOY! Calm yourself!" he said nastily.

Harry tugged lightly on Malfoy's shoulder.

The rage was boiling up in Harry's face, too, when he saw Filch's nasty little eyes looking at each of them .

Suddenly, Peeves swooped up.

"HAHA! Harry Berry Potter! Looks like he's in trouble! Harry Berry Potter! Maybe he'll take the Double!" sang Peeves in a singsong voice.

"SHUT UP!" Harry yelled at the top of his lungs, causing Peeves to fly away, cackling loudly.

Harry grabbed out his wand with a trembling hand from his pocket.

"Don't you! DON'T YOU!" Filch screeched, Mrs Norris catching up and looking at Harry in a nasty state.

It was too late.

Harry held out his wand at Filch and screamed "EXPELLIARMUS!" he shouted, and a jet of light left from the tip of his wand and hit Filch square in the stomach.

Filch blasted backwards as he wasn't holding a wand.

"FILTHY SQUIB!" screamed Malfoy as he lay motionless but conscious with rage on the ground.

"He deserved it. He really did," Malfoy whispers to Harry in a trembling voice, clenching his wand in his sweaty hand.

Mrs. Norris hissed and spat at them and made an attempt at Harry's leg though he most luckily dodged her so that she ran into a bush of brambles.

Trembling harder than ever, Filch got up slowly with a grunt and yelled "MY CAT! MY PRECIOUS CAT!" as he flew toward the brambles. He retrieved Mrs Norris, who had three cut marks and hissed at Harry and Malfoy in Filches arms.

"Oh, you will pay dearly for this, boys. Oh yes," said Filch in a trembling, greedy tone.

"Give me your wands."

They stood, doing nothing.

"I SAID, GIVE ME YOUR WANDS!" screeched Filch.

Also trembling, Malfoy and Harry both gave their wands to Filch slowly.

Broken wandsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant