party animal

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Warning: smut, mentions of rape/sexual assault

I heard a sigh escape his lips as he rolled over on top of me, deepening our kiss even more. His shirt was already off as I was left in my bra and shorts.

His kisses moved from my lips to my cheek, down to my jawline, neck, and collarbone. A quiet moan fell from my lips as he reconnected his with mine. I felt his fingertips linger at the waistband of my shorts as he started to pull down on them.

As much as I didn't wanna stop kissing him, my systems started to panic, as I wasn't ready for "it" yet. I got up from underneath him in a gasp as I realized the music from the party wasn't blurred out anymore.

"Hey what happened, you ok?" He asks, reaching out for my arm. "I don't wanna do it Rafe! Please no..." my voice started to quiet and shake in fear. Who knows what Rafe could do to me, especially when drunk.

"Hey calm down, it's ok we don't have to," he says almost in a rush, making strong eye contact with me. My breathing starts to slow down as I say, "really?" "Yeah, yeah. It's cool," he shrugs. I let out a quiet sigh of relief as he makes a worried expression.

"Hey," he says quietly as he gently holds my wrist, "I-I would never make you do that ya know. I'd never do that." His words don't seem slurred at all. "Ok," I whisper, as he whispers the same back with a soft smile. I climb back in bed, happy to feel his body heat against mine again.

I feel his strong arms around mine as my breathing tickles his bare chest. Our legs tangle themselves together as I hear him quietly sigh in bliss. His fingers trail up and down my arm and back, making goosebumps form all over me. "Thank you," I whisper, tracing shapes on his chest. "For what?" He asks. "I dunno, not making me do anything."

He pauses, planting a kiss on the top of my head and asking quietly, "has uh... has any guy done that to you?"
I take a breath, beginning to speak, "it was at a stupid party my parents dragged me to when I was 15."

He holds me tighter as he gently says, "I'm so sorry. I'd kill him if I could."

A soft laugh sounds from my nose as I realize how comfortable I am talking to Rafe about this. Even with my own family, it was awkward and weird, and I just felt gross overall.

I press a kiss to his upper chest, then his collar bone as I rest my head in the crook of his neck. His arms are secure around my back as I feel his lips brush against my neck. My leg rests over his hip and I could feel his soft hair lightly tickle my shoulder. I smile to myself, feeling his chest thump underneath me as I lay on top of him.

"Your heart's beating really fast," I mention with a soft chuckle. I could feel his cheeks heat up as he quickly rebuttals, "so's yours." I lift my head to make eye contact and mutter, "hm, wonder why."

He smirks, planting a kiss to my forehead and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I notice a tiny scratch on his lip that has scabbed over a dark red. "What happened here?" I ask quietly, carefully running my thumb over it. I see some hesitancy in his eyes when he answers, "oh nothing."

I raise an eyebrow when his smirk returns and his lips part to say, "if you're that worried maybe you should kiss it better." Immediately a giggle erupts from both of us as I note, "smooth Cameron, smooth." His smile makes butterflies go crazy in my stomach as I take his face in my hands, admiring his crystal blue eyes.

I carefully kiss the cut on his upper lip as he kisses back. I feel his smile against my lips and he snakes his hands around my back and shoulders. I feel his heart beat quicken as mine syncs with his, moving in complete unison with his lips.

Something about him makes me crave him so bad. I knew Rafe, he's seen as a rough and tough guy who just likes fights and reveals no emotion. But getting to the bottom of him excites me, I want to understand him so well that I could say what he's thinking before he even says it.

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