3 - "Her name was-"

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"You could at least tell me your name." He huffed out as he was trying to catch his breath.

She looked up at him with a pained expression and shaky breath before dropping the knife out of one hand and catching it with the other then slashing his thigh. He yelled out and staggered backwards and Yelena pushed him into the wall and held the knife up to his throat as he grabbed the blade guard to prevent her from plunging it foreward. His eyes widened as he realized how familiar the fighting style seemed. Natasha.

"Her name was-" Yelena was cut off by a loud bang and a bullet grazing the back of her shoulder. She let out a yelp of pain and turned to see a dark-haired woman with her gun aimed towards her.

"Let him go." The woman said in a serious and cold voice.

Yelena knew she couldn't outrun the bullet in the barrel of the gun aimed towards her. Dammit. In a split second she kneed Clint in the stomach, making him topple over and then threw the knife at the woman as she ducked under it.

Clint regained his composure and looked around to see that the mystery assassin was gone and that he was just left with the dark-haired woman that saved his life.

"Agent Melinda May. How nice of you to show up." He joked as he gave her a smile.

"You really sent us an SOS signal over one person? Coulson thought we'd have another Budapest situation on our hands." She sarcastically told him as she moved over towards him.

"Huh, is that why he sent the Cavalry?"

She smiled at him. "You alright?"

"Just a scrape, I'll be fine."

"You're losing your touch Barton." She joked with him

"Wonder what does that say about the S.O. that trained me." He gave her a knowing smile.

She gave him a small smile.

"I'm gonna need a ride on your jet."

"What for?"

"Whoever that was... she knew my routine. She knew exactly where to find me and where to hide so that I wouldn't see her. That means she's been stalking me and knows about my family. I'm gonna bring them to the Avengers tower in New York to keep them safe."

May nodded and gestured for him to follow her.

Clint called his wife on the way to his farm and explained everything that happened to him and that they had to go to the Avengers tower to keep the kids safe. She agreed after lecturing him about how he could've died if he hadn't been more careful.

Laura picked the kids up from school and loaded them up into the quinjet as May fixed up Clint's leg. While May was stitching up his thigh he made a phone call to Steve and explained that someone was trying to kill him and that he and his family needed a place to crash for a bit. When they were all ready to go, May piloted the jet to New York and landed on the runway of the multimillion dollar building. Clint's family started exiting the jet when May pulled him to the side to talk to him.

"Try not to die, will you? Coulson was already enough of a mess over Romanoff, I don't need him to be moping around about you too." She said with little to know emotions, but he knew that she cared, even if she didn't show it.

He gave her a smile and a nod as she walked back into the jet to return to D.C.

Clint and his family were immediately greeted by Steve at the entrance of the Avengers Tower.



They shook hands as they greeted each other, then Steve gave a friendly smile to Laura and the kids before leading them inside.

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