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Marinas POV.

Its been three days since Lana learned that chuck and charli were together and she hasn't moved since except to go to the bathroom and manage to take 1 shower. This really bothered her I could tell.

I thought giving her time to be on her own would help but she's only getting worse. I brought her new water and a couple pieces of toast. I sat down next to her and kissed her and brushed her hair. I went back out to the living room and skyped Lafina.

Third person POV.

After a couple rings on the computer she picked up, she was in a purple robe and her hair was quite messy. "What's up sis" she said as some guy  walked behind her to get something from the kitchen. "Where's the milk babe?" His rasky voice asked. "In the fridge asshole" she said nonchalantly. "Anyway Mar what's the problem you only Skype when somethings wrong."

Marina explained the situation with Lana and Charli to her sister and waited for Lafinas 2 cents. "She's probably just stressed which is leading to a depression go take her to a clinic and get her some meds" Marina nodded and told Lafina thanks for the help then hung up to go check up on Lana who was asleep.

Marina called the clinic and got Lana an appointment for 3 o'clock the next day. Marina changed into a sweatshirt and some black underwear and climbed into bed with Lana and played Courtney love and Nirvana which always made Lana feel better. The thought of their tragic love reminded her that the worst happened to the best.

Lana rolled over to Marina and spoke in the first time in a couple days "don't ever eave me, I need you." Marina looked her in the eyes and told her "I would never do such a thing"

Lana held onto marina and went back to sleep in her arms and just like that marina held her harder than ever and kissed her head before going to sleep as well.

Heyyyy sorry for not uploading my life is just hell right now anyway I love you!!!

Can you believe that froot is out the whole album??? I can't.

Also I'm seeing Lana on May 22nd I can't wait!!!

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