"He's not around?" That confused him.

"No, he is in Italy to discuss a few things we were stuck on, and the last time we talked he had been needed for a mission involving the Romanian coven. I haven't heard from him since so I am a little worried but I do believe he'll be back soon." I sighed.

"You would know if something happened since you are soulmates and he sired you. Your bond would make you feel it, if something happened." He explained.

"I figured as much and that keeps me from really getting worried. This one time when I was in the attic of the mansion, cleaning stuff some big rodent startled me and I fell through a weaker area. Just before I reached the ground floor he had caught me telling me he had sensed my fear as I fell. He had been working on the stables we wanted to convert." He had called me a scaredy cat then though he didn't like taking care of whatever was living up there either.

"I'm glad you are truly happy now." He said. "You are simply glowing when you talk about Felix. Perhaps you can finally have your peaceful happy life now." That was a nice compliment.

"Sh, don't jinx it." I said covering his mouth with a playful glare.

"You imprinted on my daughter! She's a baby!" Jacob was chased out of the house.

"It's not like that. Do you think I would still be alive if that was the case?" He tried to explain while we watched Jacob walk backwards as if scared of Bella.

"I held her once Jacob. Once. And you think you already have some wolf claim on her?" Seth and Leah got there in wolf form.

"It's fine guys. Don't worry." At least he knew they shouldn't interfere. I shared a look with Leah to assure her I was alert myself.

"Look, Bella. Up until three days ago, you felt a bond with me but that's gone, right?" 

"Long gone!" She growled but it truly didn't sound even slightly intimidating to me at least.

"That's because it was Nessie. My wolf sensed her presence before I could even see her." Oh no. you had to drop that nickname as well didn't you?

"Nessie? You named my daughter after the loch ness monster?" She went to really hurt Jacob now. I used my gift to restrain her.

"Calm down, Jinglebells. It's just a nickname. Renesmee is a mouthful. And about this whole imprinting thing, at least give him a chance to explain fully." I used a nickname kids from phoenix used to call her. It got her attention while I heard Emmett chuckle at the name.

"Stay out of this, Leona. You wouldn't understand. You aren't a mother!" For a moment her restraints tightened and I lifted her up a few feet before I dropped her.

"Fine. Don't come crawling to me for help if something happens though. Oh and Bella, using my wish for a family of my own to get things your way, then use it against me when I try to keep you from hurting someone dear to you? Low. Blow." I left the deck and went to my car. 

"Leona, please don't go." Alice came after me.

"I can't stay where I'm not wanted Alice."

"That's not what I meant. I was going to ask if I could come. I have seen I'll meet my mate, if I go with you." She said.

"Sure." I shrugged. Could be fun. Alice had really been so much more fun to talk to or hang out with.

"Alice you're leaving?" Esme asked while Carlisle just watched.

"Just for a little while. I'll be back soon. Probably with someone for you to meet." She said with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Okay be safe you two." The doctor said with a smile. We waved and went to Colorado where we would be starting the training camp. There we got to our mansion being surprised that Jasper and Serena had ended up there with their trip. The two had left to help Serena learn the vampire life away from Cullen influence. Not that it was a bad thing, but certain views on souls and such don't always help.

"Hey guys." We greeted them. "What do you think so far?"

"This is coming together nicely. Need some help?" Jasper complimented.

"If you don't mind. Though I have something else to do for you and Serena." I replied.

"Depends on what it is." Serena answered.

"I have heard several rumors about a coven in the amazon with a strange kind of vampire. From what I heard it could be a half-vampire. Would you be willing to go find them? I am pretty sure the Cullens are worried about little Ren aging faster and not stopping until she looks to be a hundred or something." They listened carefully nodding along before sharing a look with one another.

"Sounds fun." Serena agreed. So Jasper did as well, and the following day the couple left. Alice and I went about styling losing ourselves with time until we had a visitor.

"Excuse me, I heard rumors of a training camp being made for newborn vampires. Is that true?" There were two guys. One still clearly a teen while the other probably just barely an adult.

"Yes but we are still renovating. My gift takes too much for me to do so much faster." I told them.

"Can my brother and I help in exchange for some training?" The elder asked.

"Oh of course." They introduced themselves as Darren and William. Two brothers who were left for dead after being snacked on by a nomad. William used to be an interior designer while Darren was a gardener or something when he wasn't in school. Their parents had passed away and William was the caretaking big brother forced to drop out of college and work to afford food and a roof over their heads. Darren tried to chip in when he could like a good little brother though he was in his early teens. 

When William met Alice, they clicked instantly, as in they immediately gravitated to one another. Leaving the two some privacy, I took Darren out to the gardens. He probably had questions.
While posting this chapter I am working on the end of The Alchemist. Which means that the end of this story is getting closer and closer. But not the end of Leona. I have decided to continue with her for at least one more story but in a different fandom.

I have heard a suggestion of Throne of Glass but I don't know that one and I don't have a lot of time to read it. Therefore I want to try a more known fandom first. But which one would you like to see Leona in?

-The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings?


- Vampire Diaries?

-another more known fandom?

Let me know what you think in the comments. I will make my decision in about three weeks.

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