Chapter 3

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"Lupe, would you mind sitting with us. I wanna talk to you guys about what Mr Weasley spoke about." Harry asked Lupus as they walked through the halls of the Hogwarts express.

The latter shrugged his shoulders in response. He was tired and his whole body was aching, the scars visible to others much more prominent. Last nights full moon had been one of the worse ones as the stress of his fathers escape had obviously effected his wolf as well.

He wanted to sleep. But of course the chosen one calls and he must follow. As he did Harry began to tell the other members of the golden trio about his magic miss hap over the summer.

"I didn't mean to blow her up, I just... lost control." He confessed sheepishly as Ron roared with laughter and lupus snickered to himself. "Brilliant !" Ron said earning himself a scolding slap from hermione and another bark of laughter from lupus.

"Honestly, Ron, it's not funny! Harry's lucky not to of been expelled." Hermione told them. "Or arrested." Lupus added earning him a slap as well.

As they were searching for a compartment Neville was walking down the corridor aswell. "Hi Harry, Ron, hermione. Lupus! Are you sitting with us?" He questioned the tall boy. " sorry nev, I'll join you in a bit I just gotta talk to sparky for a bit." The werewolf told him with a shake of his head. The other boy nodded and continued on.

The wondered around the train, looking for a compartment and upon finding no free ones they settled on on with an older man. He was obviously not a student. He wore brown robes, in good shape and had Sandy hair. Scars ran across his face, visible as he slept peacefully against the wall.

"Remus!?" The question in lupus voice was clear as he saw his godfather and career on the Hogwarts express.

Even after the question the man continued to sleep on, and the group let him, only two of them knowing why he was so tired and knew feeling exactly the same way.

Lupus smiled softly, oblivious to the soft stare of a certain muggle born, as he observed how content his parent figure slept.

The group all crowded into the compartment, Lupus sitting by Remus's feet, Harry beside him and hermione and Ron infront of them.

"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron questioned stupidly causing hermonie and lupus to give him a deadpan look. "Professor R.J Lupin." The former stated.

Ron stared at the bushy haired girl in shock and across from him lupus snorted not so subtly. "You know everything. How is it she knows everything?" He accused and the Potter-Black boy rolled his grey eyes.

"It's on Moony's case Ron Ron. Plus he's my godfather." Came the obvious response as the metamorphosis crossed his arms, his hair tinging red due to the frustration at the ginger boys stupidity.

"Is he really asleep?" Harry asked carefully. Earning him a nod from the Black, "yeh he's out, like I want to be so can we hurry this up." He begged, desperate to get some sleep after the previous full moon.

The other three share a look, concerned for the tired boy and finally Harry nods with a sigh, "close the door." He mutters.


"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped Azkaban, to come after you and Lupus?" Ron enquired after Harry explained what mr Weasley had told him about Sirius.

"Yes" Harry deadpanned, earning a snort from the boy next to him who was experimenting hair colours.

"But they'll catch black, won't they. I mean... eventually?" Hermonie asked hesitantly. Lupus was dozing off at this point, his hair back to its usual dark colour and a small creature lounging on his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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