Chapter 2

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Lupus Azar Potter-Black walked through the streets of Diagon Ally with his head held high. Sure, his father had just escaped the most secure wizarding prison, but he couldn't care less that people looked at him like he just kicked a puppy.

He walked towards the ice cream spot he loved so much only to meet the sight of his first friend, Harry Potter. "Oi! Sparky!" He called out to the glasses wearing lad. The boy looked up at the sound of his cousins voice and saw the werewolf giving him his famous smirk, his hair an ombre of yellow and lilac. Harry leapt up from his seat and embraced him in a brother like hug.

Harry smiled up at the much taller boy. "Merlin Wolfey, you've grown!" He told him. Lupus gave a hearty laugh and clapped him on the back. They sat down and talked about their summers.

"Hang on, she insulted uncle James and aunt Lilly so you blew her up like a balloon." Lupus asked and after getting a nod in confirmation he burst out into laughter. After sobering up he realised all the weird looks he was getting, he assumed his hair was bright yellow. "Yeah yeah, it was an accident but at least I wasn't expelled." Harry admitted sheepishly. "So I assume you're related to Sirius Black? What he do to get himself in Azkaban?" Harry asked insensitively.

Lupus tensed up and his hair became a mixture of silver, red and blue. He cleared his throat, willing his hair to change back to his regular colour. "Well urm, he's actually my dad and he urm, murdered 12 muggles and a wizard called Peter pettigrew." He said laughing awkwardly. Harry stared at him in shock. "Wow. That sucks." He admitted.

They sat there awkwardly before bursting into laughter at the awkward situation. They walked around diagon ally a little longer before going to the Leakey cauldron. "Why aren't staying with Remus?" Harry asked. "Moony is getting ready for his new job and told me I could spend the week here." He told him shrugging.

The next week was spent browsing all the little shops and predicting what exciting thing will happen this year due to what lupus had crowned the potter curse. It was just the 2 of them until the weasleys and hermione turned up right before school started and the night of the full moon. harry was the only one who knew about his 'furry' problem as although he trusts his other friends, he and harry are family and lupus isnt one to open up about his feeling so the fact that one night in 2nd year harry had found lupus crying in the common room after getting another viable scar was a rare occurrence were he was vulnerable and admitted everything.

"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!" Came the voice of Ronald weasley as lupus woke up. Ron was a boy from Gryffindor who is one of Harry's other best friends along with a muggle brown girl called hermione granger who lupus loves to flirt with to make her flustered and annoyed. Lupus isn't very close to them as he made a closer connection to Seamus Finnigun, Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom

"He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." The brunette haired girl exclaimed as lupus got out of bed and threw his t-shirt on. He then tuned out the arguing as he got ready

He had grown a lot. He was catching up with the twins now and his muscles had assentuated due to his position of chaser and his monthly transformations. He had looks that could make practically any girl swoon and he put them to good looks by flirting around Hogwarts. He had a heart though so never lead them on unless he wanted a relationship with them.

He walked down the stairs rubbing the sleep out his eyes with his shirt causing his stomach to be on show, catching the eyes of a lot of girls in the room, including those of hermione granger before dropping it to wave at the golden trio. "Mornin. Good to see you guys!" He greets, winking at the now flustered girl before turning in the direction of commotion of the other weasleys.

"Oh lookie gred! Lupus is all grown up!" The voice of George spoke to his twin brother as they both came and rubbed lupus' now pink hair. "Oh he is! The pranking prince is almost as tall as us!" Fred exclaimed after "gonna be a proper Casanova he is!" They both finished causing said boy to laugh at there antics and dove the off as he went to order food.

"Oh hello dear I don't believe we've met." Questioned a voice in front of him. As he looked up he was met by the kind eyes of a ginger woman. "No ma'am, my names Lupus Potter-Black ma'am." He told her reaching out to shake her hand. She took it and gave it a hearty shake. "I'm Ronalds mother, please just call me Molly dear. You're Emma's Potters boy, yes?" She questioned causing the boys hair to go teal out of excitement at being know that way rather then as a murders son.

He gave her a charming smile and nodded. "That'll be me. How did you know my mother?" He questioned. She smiled softly, "I was in school for a little while with her and all the boys and then we kept in touch afterwards! I didn't realise metamorphosis ran in the potter family ?" She said politely. He shook his head, "it doesn't but my cousin on my dads side is a metamorphosis." He replied looking down at the mention of his father.

She nodded kindly and invited him to eat with them as she lead him to the table. He sat in the seat beside Harry and was talking to Fred and George about their attempted prank when mister Weasley called them over.

"Harry, lupus .I wonder if I might have a
word." He told them, looking apprehensive. The boys both agree and are taken over to a more secluded area. "  Boys. There are some within the Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to tell you.  But I think you need to know the facts. Because you're in danger.  Grave danger."

Lupus eyes drift to the post of his deranged looking father for a minuet before returning to Mr Weasley. "Has this got anything to do with him sir?" Harry questioned from beside him, pointing out the wanted poster. Lupus tilted his head in interest at the question.

"What do you know about Sirius Black, Harry" Mister weasley asked hesitantly. "That he escaped Azkaban, that he killed people... and that he's Lupus' dad."  Mr Weasley glances uneasily at lupus so he decides to step in " yeh, Remus has already gave me the warning  Sir, thank you but just focus on making sure Harry doesn't get into trouble." He tells them, nodding to mr Weasley and clapping Harry on the shoulder before going back to the twins.

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