The Ending of The Beginning

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(5) Loki and Slyvie escape and one year later :-
Adam Warlock and Sentry disappointed attack and beat down Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer, giving Loki and Slyvie with Jimmy, Bjorn and Asaluag time to escape.

Galactus yelled " Odinson yell and kneel you will die one day " and Slyvie yelled " never made friends that faster Loki " and Loki said " back to Lamentis 1 shall we? " And she agreed, time to open up that quick, was something amazing to Jimmy, he landed back in TVA, working undercover again for The Pair, Mobius M Mobius and Kid Loki among more did the trick.

Loki and Slyvie dined at a Restaurant on Lamentis 1, disguised as Lamentians, Slyvie asked Loki " what is love to you? " And Loki said " Love is Like a Dagger that Stabs you " and Slyvie laughed, it's like a connection, attraction on first sight, all Superheroes and Supervillains had that, Loki and Slyvie are describing on at Current Day.

Loki and Slyvie were there at that Diner when someone from the top came by, Loki and Slyvie emerged into a brawl, Loki got kicked out of the train and climbed his way back, using insane Thor Like Reflexes and kicked the ass of every guard down and killing them, when Renslayer and Odin came with He Who Remains, they talked and talked for hours, when Adam Warlock, Sentry, Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer attacked again.

Destroying another moon on Lamentis 1, but Loki and Slyvie using Magic, resurfaced both Moons when including the earlier one, to which Mobius M Mobius shows up, and comments " you two together are like literal ends of worlds, the most chaotic duo ever, Loki she clearly likes you it seems " and Loki and Slyvie laughed it off, they didn't back then but later they did so.

Adam Warlock, The Sentry, The Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer came by again and attacked them all, but Beta Ray Bill, newest friends and allies of Thor Odinson saved them, he and Thor Odinson and Jane Foster aka Lady Thor fought Gor The Gods Butcher thrice, losing the first time but winning the other two times.

Beta Ray Bill welded together and took down Adam Warlock and they took it to the stars and they punched, their punches and kicks shook the moon, their yelles were heard on Lamentis 1, Adam Warlock and Beta Ray Bill ran into Thor Odinson and Guardians Of The Galaxy (Star - Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora Girl, Mantis, Groot, Kraglin, Drax and Yondu Udana).

Yondu Udana said to loki by yelling " HELLO JACKASS " and yelled again " IM MARY POPPINS YALL " Meridith Quill married Yondu Udana again, was there too, have been working with Stryker Ohord and other Warheads or Warlocks, Ego The Living Planet Wanted her as a Prize, but Meredith Quill refused to be so, resulting in another chaotic Fight Ego lost.

Ego The Living Planet, Galactus and Heralds, Kang The Conquerer and Doormamu are all wanting to take over this Galaxy, Loki and Slyvie had to stop them this time, Ego The Living Planet defeated and killed The Avengers, Dr Strange brought them all back with help of Baron Zemo, Vision and Scarlett Witch.

Team Captain America (Captain America, Sharon Carter, Winter Soldier, Black Falcon, US Agent, Isiah Bradley and Battlestar) counted their enemies downtown and they were as follows :-

1. Flag Smashers
2. Armin Zola
3. Artificial Intelligence Mechanics
4. Serpentine Society
5. Viper
6. Sin and Sisters
7. Red Skull
8. Crossbones
9. Hydra
10. Baron Von Strucker
11. Grand Dictator
12. Hate Monger
13. Nightshade
14. Doctor Faustus
15. Hydra Cap

Georges Batroc The Leaper with Baron Helmut Zemo and The Baroness and Captain America talked and reconciled later Batroc The Leaper helped occasionally and joined Street Fighting Rings in Hells Kitchen and Harlem whereas Baron and Baroness funded The Thunderbolts where they have Red Hulk, The Punisher, Ghost Rider, The Ghost and US Agent with them.

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