Gaining Edge when Thor tried peace but Iron Man attacked him with his family, Thor in Rage Of Fury, defeated them all with Hulk and joined Captain America, Loki and Slyvie watched it all and asked " those Animals kicked your ass Loki they sound cool " and Loki was like " hey stop that and take it back "

Memphisto infiltrated Time Variance Authority and with He Who Remains attacked the facilities available and Slyvie and Loki, had a fight, Slyvie bit off Lokis hand, when Kang The Conquerer or He Who Remains saw it, Slyvie pushed Loki atop him, and attacked Memphisto and Renslayer jumped in too, Renslayer made a plan but didn't tell Slyvie about it, Mobius M Mobius began distrusting Renslayer, causing to Chaos.

Loki and Slyvie escaped with Kang The Conquerer dropping him off to Titan, jumping to Lamentis 1, where Moon above them exploded, they were Migrating, Loki and Slyvie figured Galactus and Doormamu are behind it, or Ego The Living Planet is, Beyonder and Living Tribunal showed up, now Deported from Power.

Both talked thier shit out, Loki and Slyvie sat down on a Boulder Rock and talked about their life, Loki mentioned his hair are red, he likes Thor and Frigga more, Slyvie liked Odin and Frigga more instead and Thor was out with Guardians Of The Galaxy Variants, to which Loki said " never heard of them " and when Moon Cracked and Ship taking Lamentis 1 Elites crashed and a shadow figure came by.

Galactus and Silver Surfer were there and people cried as Galactus came to eat them, Galactus Or Galan Of Taa, was an engineer in a Pre Big Bang Universe except World, Galaxy and Universe came Outta nothing, Galan Of Taa came from The First of the Unforgotten Civilizations where they were like Earth, Galan and his friends survived when a Rock shattered everything, Galan became Bigger Enough to eat entire planets alive, Norton Rand became Silver Surfer, his first of ten Heralds.

Loki and Slyvie exclaimed " Wow " and then New TVA Management came by and arrested them for Crimes like Siding with Odin and Frigga and Hunter b 15, Renslayer and Mobius knew what to do.

(2) Escape Plan :-
Loki and Slyvie were arrested and brought into chains, Slyvie summoner a Labrador Retriever and St Bernard Dog Mixture and a Blonde Bear called Bjorn and Asaluag.

Named after Viking Figures, they came by and began killing off Staff under Memphisto, including a Reformed Thanos Father A'Lars ans Grandfather Kronos, not Greek Titan, ok yes the Greek Titan himself, A'Lars and Kronos worked together, Infinity Stones don't hurt them anymore since to Jimmy they're like Paperweight.

Loki and Slyvie began going with different Guards, Hunters and Minutemen, Loki and Slyvie broke three different keys, and began studying their cells, but when they're done they're shifted to a newer cell, Slyvie and Loki found out that in the door wall if there's a hole they can break out, since most personnel is under Odin and Frigga, but Loki and Slyvie escaped, Slyvie broke herself out, got Bjorn and Asaluag out, broke Loki out and killed 2 Guards, disguised as them, escaped they'll be revived soon, Loki and Slyvie defeated a Wave when Lokis came by.

Viking and Classic Lokis were Mad and Brutal who killed without looking at opponents and Chaos broke loose when The Punisher Variants broke loose, Lokis and Punishers, roam around, killing many when Time Exploded and everyone fell down, Time Keepers were there, Unknown Race of Beings.

(3) Face The Music or Kill The Music :-
Slyvie noticed them and threw a Knife at one of them and Loki took up Weapons and Arms and attacked thier guards down and in an ensuring brawl all guards died and Memphisto began to come by with Kang The Conquerer and He Who Remains reveal himself to Odins (Slyvies Father) Agent.

Loki hugged Slyvie but Renslayer prunned him and he disappeared without her and came across Loki And Punisher Variants, Loki was shocked, Meanwhile on the other side, Slyvie attacked Renslayer and in a fight that happened, Slyvie prunned herself too.

Mobius M Mobius and B 15 came with Odins and Friggas and began prosecution of Memphisto's Agents and Kangs Soldiers with He Who Remains leading the charge.

Time was Reversed and Swapped  but Loki and Slyvie escaped together to Space outside and began a Proper Friendship and Became Friends At Arms, Loki felt an attraction towards Slyvie, who with her Together yelled " We're Literally The Same Person " everytime.

Loki began to stop caring about himself and dropped Selfish Act often sharing Heat Jackets with Slyvie and Her Pets or helping Jimmy adjust to new Temporary Life, coming across Thor and Guardians Of The Galaxy, Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer, were after them in a Cold Blooded Hunt.

(4) War with Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer :- 
Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer revived command from Galactus to kill Loki and Slyvie, there were other Heralds too, including Ayehsas made Lover and Creation, Adam Warlock who defeated Guardians Of The Galaxy, Heralds Of Galactus, Ego The Living Planet and Galactus himself.

Ayesha and Guardians talked it out under his leadership and Galan Of Taa, he wanted to take over and devour everything, in his way to remake the Galaxy itself, and Terrax The Tamer is a Fascist Communist Dictator of Terrax World, where Loki and Slyvie landed up, Silver Surfer attacked them with Terrax The Tamer.

Jimmy helped them in this hours long lasting battle often slamming down Terrax The Tamer and Silver Surfer being hit with a Frying Pan on his head to the upside down frown, in the end Loki and Slyvie managed to defeat Silver Surfer and Terrax The Tamer but Sentry and Adam Warlock came by.

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