Sisterhood Pt. 2

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Y/n pov

Y/n I'm pregnant.

Holy fucking shit. Umm
She puts down the phone after saying.
"Meet me at my house in an hour"

-time skip-
I drive up her driveway and get up. Really expecting the worst.
I press the doorbell and am greeted by a white(r) faced Florence Pugh.
"Heyyy" she says giving me a hug. Well, that's something.

Florence pov
She huggs me back.
"I'm sorry" she whispers. "For what" she looks up into my eyes.
"Well, I got you pregnant and that means I've basically ruined your career if you don't abort it. And I know you won't because you've said so and because you're too nicer person." then she breaks down. "Your fucking life is RUINED because of me"
I close the door and set her on the couch stroking her shoulder. "Hey, no. I said I was on Birth control, you believed me. Birth control failed. It does sometimes. But if it's anyone's fault it's mine" she wipes her eyes looking up at me "What about Zach" YEA well... "We broke up" she looks down playing with her rings. "Did it mean anything to you?" Oh. Shook.
"Yes. Yes it did. I don't do things without a meaning. Except for drinking. And this basically means the world to me. Did it mean anything to you?" she nodds slowly but surely. "Florence. I've - I've had a crush on you since Black Widow a-and I just... I don't know." Well, she beat me to confessing first. "I've had a crush on you since I first stayed over at your house. You know, when you came down to the kitchen and helped me get my shit together after almost being raped by my boyfriend" she chuckled a bit and looked up. We leaned in and kissed. It wasn't a 'teenage hookup kiss' it had more meaning. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend" she nodds and snuggles into my neck. "Use your words darling" she shudders. "Yes ma'am" then she took out her phone and wrote something. "What are you doing" she shuts it off "You helped me unlock a new kink" I raise one of my eyebrows "which kinks do you have?" she starts "Well I have 6...wait a minute. You have to discover them"
"OK... Darling" Ding, 1 down five to go.
"Fuck your accent" she practically moans.
"I'm keeping it" She looks up "We're keeping it.

-time skip-
Y/n pov
Holy shit. Today is the day where I tell my parents about Flo and I. It's been 4 months and We've had a healthy relationship. She's now officially on baby rest (the thing where u don't work bc ur pregnant. U know what I mean)
We haven't told my mom or dad about my arrival and here we are pulling up. To be honest, I'm thankful that you can't see the baby bump with my sweater. Don't get me wrong I'm not ashamed, but it's supposed to be a surprise, I mean, we even got cake.

We ring the doorbell and I almost choke on my own saliva. Standing there is noone other than my excuse for an older brother. "The fuck are you doing here" He asks "To see my parents what else dimbo" he smirks and sees Florence "And what is she doing here" I pinch my nose bridge. "She's my fucking best friend and I have some news to break. She's morals support" He sighs loudly and let's us in. "Who's there?" I hear my mom shout from the living room. "It's me!" I shout back. I hear footsteps and my mom engulfs me in a big hug. Then she does the same to Florence.

-Time skip bc I can -
Florence and I are sitting on one of the couches and now my mum and dad are too. Zach rushed out. Idk where to. Hopefully to do the thing we all wished Clint to do. (NO HATE TO ZACH!)
"Soo... Why are you here?" I breath in deeply "Mum, Dad. I - well, we. Brought you cake. It will explain everything." They looked at me like I was a fucking pschyco but did it.
"Ok so it's pink and blue? " My dad says. No fucking shit Sherlock. "Okok" I sigh lookin at Florence, who nods. "I-Well, you're gonna be Grandparents" I squeeze my eyes shut after babbling that out. "Oh my God!" They say excitedly "Who's the unlucky one?" I shift uncomfortably "Me" Florence seeks up. My Mom and Dad both look at me and then at Flo.
"Harald you owe me ten bucks" These BITCHES- "You bet on us?!" I look at them. "Fuck yea buddy. And these were the best 10 dollars ever bet" My dad jokes. Then we have a big group hug.

-time skip. Deal with it-
Our twins were just born and we made a deal, that I was able to name the Girl and she named the Boy.

I named mine: Scarlett Wanda Pugh.
She named hers: Edward Paul Pugh.

OH yea, we got married.

Hi yea, long time no part. But here yall are 4 parts at once! Thank you soooo much for 7,22 k reads! It means alot.
Don't forget the requests are always welcome!

-881 words

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