"Nothing. It's just that I thought you don't care about other people at all." She said after giggling at my awkward ass. Didn't care about people? Do I really give off that vibe? "I guess the people at school really just misunderstand you huh?" She said which made me stop walking. She was also surprised by my abrupt stop in the middle of the staircase. "Is something the matter, Saito-san?" She asked with a concerned face.

The people at school, huh... and here I thought she was different from the rest of them. I guess it really is true. All people are the same. "Give my sincerest apologies to Fuutarou-kun. Tell him I gotta go do something." I said as I started walking down the stairs.

"Wait! Saito-san wher—" She said but got cut off when I looked at her with the coldest stares I could give. People always react the same when I give them this kind of look... except her. She didn't look scared at all. At first she was but it was instantly replaced with a concerned look. I quickly looked away to prevent me from having any hope than any other person apart from Fuutarou-kun would understand.

I started walking down the stairs again and soon enough I was at the outside of the hotel. Why did I even go here in the first place? Fuck. I'm so stupid. I should've never agreed to Fuutarou-kun's proposal in the first place. I almost completely forgot the fact that I'm the bad guy in the story. In any story. I shouldn't have fucking come. I walked back towards school because that's where my bike was. I need to take a long ass ride somewhere to cool off.

I was lost in my train of thoughts and was taken back when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Fuutarou-kun. I immediately answered it. "Where the hell are you?! I thought we're supposed to be a team on this!" He angrily whispered on his phone. I just scoffed lightly. Me and you both brother... you and me both.

"Change of plans, Fuutarou-kun. Sorry I couldn't hold my end of the bargain. See you at school." I said and hung up. I'm not really in the mood for talking, not even to Fuutarou-kun. I continued walking towards the school and soon enough I got there without even realizing it. I immediately looked for my bike and sure enough, it wasn't really that hard of a find. I got on it and started the engine.

From here on out, I'll never forget that I'm the bad guy of the story. What ever Ichika-san saw... it was just a moment of weakness. I'll never show that side again. I thought as I rode into the streets of Japan.


"I knew I'd find you here." Fuutarou-kun said as he opened the rooftop door. I turned to look at him which made him take a step back. "What the hell happened to your face?!" He said as he pointed at my face full of bruises. I just smiled at him and I honestly, thought a tooth will fall off if I do that. He slowly inched himself towards me, trying to decipher what the hell happened with my face.

"Oh this? I just ran into some trouble downtown. There were five of them so I couldn't handle all of them but I did do a number on two of the guys." I explained like a proud student who got latin honors as I scratched my head. I seriously don't know how the hell did I even get up here on the rooftop in the first place. They really did a number on me. Luckily, they didn't take any of my belongings since the police arrived just in time before they could.

"Please... you really think I'm gonna fall for that act? Who do you think I am?" He said which made me drop my smile. I guess I really can't fool Fuutarou-kun, huh? "Now. Tell me what really happened yesterday. Why did you leave me hanging with the quintuplets?" He asked in a stern voice as he slid down the wall beside me to sit on the rooftop floor.

"Fine! Fine. I let my guard down with one of them... for a split second I thought someone out there apart from you would understand me. But I guess I got my hopes up too much. Ended up crashing down." I simply said as I looked at the horizon. "After getting disappointed at myself and her, I drove downtown and met five guys who were beating up a guy in an alleyway. Of course, I was angry and I wasn't thinking straight, I jumped straight in to help. I managed to knock two guys out but I guess that's my limit in a fight. Ended up almost getting sent to the hospital." I continued.

In Another Life, I Guess (Quintessential Quintuplets Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now