Chapter 6☆Game Day

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Alyssa's pov
It has been 2 week's that me and Bronny have been dating we have been hanging out spending time with our friends and family everything is going well

Currently it's 5am I am waking up early becuse I have to go to  school and becuse Bronny is coming to pick me up at 7:30am so I still have to get dressed,do my skincare and decide if I want to do makeup,I ended up not doing makeup and wore a grey crop top with a short ripped denim jacket,black ripped jeans and some jordans

What I was wearing⬇️

I went downstairs filled my bottle of water than took my phone out of the charger and when I went downstairs Bronny sended a message saying he was outside

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I went downstairs filled my bottle of water than took my phone out of the charger and when I went downstairs Bronny sended a message saying he was outside

"Wassup Shorty"he said

"Boy you know I am not that short so don't try annoying me at the morning🙄"I said

"Yeah whatever,so what you want to eat"he said

"I want McDonald's!"I yelled

"Girl it 7am at the morning why would you want McDonald's?"he asked while he look at me

"Because I am obsessed with it"I said

He just looked at me and started driving we talked ate and sang to music out loud

"So baby before you go to class I just wanted to say for you to come to my game at 5:30pm will you be able to be there"he asked

"Yes bronny I will be there plus its the first game that I will see you in person and I don't want to miss it"I said and chuckled a little bit

"Yess omg I am gonna flex to my friends that I have the best girlfriend now so bye"he said running to class

I just laughed and walked to my English class that I had with Brooklyn and Mikey,I got there than started chatting with Brooklyn while mikey was talking to his friends

"So Alyssa you coming to the game tonight?"Brooklyn asked

"Yes I am maybe we could go to my house and get ready together with Ansley"I said

"Yeah lemee message her so we can meet at the school entrance when school finishes"she said

"Okay but we should go on your car because I didn't bring my car today"I said

"Sheeesh okay"she said

The day was going really quick I was now at my last class,I got a message from bronny saying that we will meet later at the game because he is going out to practice I just replied okay sir

**Skip to when you guys were home**

Me,Brooklyn and Ansley got home we were fighting on who would order the pizza (lol)I ended up being the one that had to call ugh,Mean while we were doing our make-up till the pizza arrived I went downstairs and took the pizza and took 3 Coca-Cola cans out of the fridge so we could drink and went upstairs the girls were finishing their make-up

Just The Two Of Us//Bronny JamesWhere stories live. Discover now