"Yeah," Zoia nodded, "I was like that too."

"I wasn't," Harry shook his head. "I have always wanted to be treated like a grown-up since I was thirteen. It kind of failed though."

"HURRY UP!" Holly screamed.

"Okay, okay!" Zoia chuckled.

The family sat on the dining table in their usual sitting arrangements spot with Holly sitting in between her parents and the twins with Kenji across them.

"Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!" Holly clapped her hands excitedly while Harry's cutting the cake.

"Acacia baked the cake, mum," Phoenix informed her mother.

"Oh thank you, Acacia," Zoia smiled thankfully to her daughter.

"Oh it's not a big deal," Acacia shook her head.

"I suggested we buy the cake but she insisted on baking it," Holly shrugged.

"And I'm glad she baked it," said Zoia. "Your sister has amazing baking skills and she makes healthy delicious cakes."

"Yeah, but I wanted an unhealthy ice cream cake."

"What if I want Acacia's cake?" Zoia raised her eyebrows at the fourteen-year-old.

"Then I suppose it's okay, good actually, or else I'd throw this cake in the bin."

Harry looked at his daughter disapprovingly.

"But I will not!" Holly put her hands up, "Because mum wants it. But personally, I'd prefer ice cream cake." Holly then looked at Acacia and said, "It tastes better."

"Everything tastes good," Zoia kissed Holly's head.

Acacia didn't mutter a single thing and just looked down afterward. She knows she deserves all the insults she gets from Holly but it still hurts her.

Mum and dad hurt worse she told herself every day, Holly's insults didn't compare.

Acacia underestimated Holly, she still thinks Holly's the same eight-year-old she last saw but she wasn't. She's a grown person with her own mind now and Holly isn't the person you mess around with.

Phoenix squeezed Acacia's hand comfortingly and whispered, "Don't take her words into your heart."

"It's okay," Acacia smiled at her twin.

With Holly being busy helping her mum and dad cutting the cake, Phoenix whispered once more, "She doesn't hate you, she's just angry at you."

"I know."

"Just don't mess things up again with anyone," Phoenix reminded her. "Especially mum."

"I won't, I promise."

"Holly's mum's little guardian," Phoenix chuckled, looking at Holly who's kissing her mother's cheek.

"Always has been," Acacia nodded, smiling at the sight.

"Here you go," Harry handed the small plates to everyone.

"Holly eats cake, Holly eats cake," Holly sang.

Once Zoia took a bite of the cake, she grinned widely at her eldest daughter, "Oh my God this is really good, Acacia."

"Thanks, mum," replied Acacia sheepishly.

"It's alright," Holly hummed, nodding her head. "But my favorite ice cream cake is better."

"Well you can't compare ice cream cake and normal cake, Holly," Zoia chuckled, lightening up Holly's constant diss towards her sister.

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