"I-..." Ray said, not being able to find the right words to say as he was suddenly stuck in his thoughts. Well, she isn't wrong. 'We're all bound to die anyway...'Ray told himself, mentally agreeing with the female's statement as he nodded to himself, turning back to the female only to be met with Y/n facing towards the door "Hey, Ray, I have a question," Y/N asked, lifting her head out of the book but not turning to face the boy as the atmosphere tensed, Ray not failing to notice this as he stared at the female, sweat dripping from the side of his head. "What's that?" Ray asked, confused yet scared as to why the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

"Well, do you know about the-"Y/N asked, however, got sadly cut off when the door opened, revealing a very dead-looking Norman and Emma. "Woah, wow, why do you guys look so dead? What happened?" Y/N asked, both her and Ray now standing near them, Ray holding a lamp as Norman and Emma just passed by them, shadow covering the upper part of Emma's face as she looked down onto the floor, smudges of dirt staining both of their faces as Norman spoke. "We didn't make it in time..." Norman said, his brows furrowed as he continued to walk, Emma trailing closely behind him, still choosing to avoid making eye contact with anyone at the moment. Didn't make it in time? Then why are you... Y/N thought to herself, inspecting the hands of her 'siblings' as Ray mirrored her action, discreetly sending glances to the duo. Empty-handed? Ray and Y/N thought, narrowing their eyes at the disappearing silhouettes of Norman and Emma.

Y/n Pov:

I walked to  the bedroom when i heard whispering i guess it was Emma and Norman on something So i decided to come in like what gurl if u think i will let my ball of sunshine cry like that- no. 

"Were we raised just to be eaten by somethin'?" i heard Emma saying "Let's escape, Emma. We have to leave this place. Don't worry. We can do it." Norman says i decide to step in because i already guess what is going to happen but i was cut by Norman saying "You, me, Y/n, and Ray. If it's the four of us..." 

3rd pov:  

Y/n comes through the Front door and stands there for a a few seconds until Norman notices her and got startled but Y/n put her finger on lips while making a shh... sound. So Norman decided not to say anything even thought he was a bit nervous that she will find about the houses secret which would be heart breaking form him to see you upset too which was what he expected from you even though u are a suicidal maniac. "I don't think I could. I can't just leave 'em here. They'll all be killed for sure. I don't want any more of my family to die. I just want to save them but-but " Emma says while balling her eyes out. Y/n forward and crouch down too Emma "Emma..."Said wearing a stoic face "Look at me..." grabbing her chin and making Emma look at her all of a sudden a slap sound was heard Emma felt a sting on her cheek Norman looked at her in shocked that Y/n back hand slapped Emma both of them were close friends but this...was different

(Like this but Atsushi is Emma)

"I'll still offer you advice as your Friend. Stop pitying yourself. Pity yourself, and life becomes an endless nightmare." Y/n Said with Serious eyes. "Huh-huh" Emma looked at Y/n with teary eyes "I may not know what are you talking about but i was certain you need some guidance and what i could deduce you had a nightmare where your family dies..."Y/n says while turning towards her bed "If you are hiding something you should tell it to someone who you trust...keep that in mind.. Good night both of you" Y/n continued while tucking herself in her bed and of to being asleep. Leaving both Emma and Norman speechless

Suicidal  Child ||tpn x bsd x dazai!reader||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin