Chapter Thirty-Two

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Me: Jarvis, replay the scene Zane swerved the car.

Jarvis rewinded the footage.

Steve: Bucky, what is it?

As the video of the scene played, I look closely so I can stop it at the right moment.

Me: Stop!!!

The video stopped. It captured the truck head and the container it carried. Just at the front side of the container, almost half of the symbol we are familiar with are covered by the truck head.

Steve: Hydra..

Sam: Dude, What the hell! Why are they targeting the kid?!

Wanda: They've gone too far!

I went to my room and take my earpiece and try to reach Tony.

Me: Tony! Where are you?

Tony: I'm almost at the bridge.

Me: No! Don't go there!

Tony: What?! Why?!

Me: There's Hydra agents there! If you go there, they'd know that he's related to us! It'll put him in more danger!!

Tony: Then where am I supposed to go?!! My nephew is there!!!

Me: Just.. just find somewhere further to land.

Tony: And why should I do that?!! Zane could be dying in there!!!

Me: Tony, hear me out. Zane was the one who made the car go into the water.

Tony: W-what?

Me: He did it on purpose. They were followed by Hydra and he purposefully swerved the car into the water. You know him best, so put your trust on him.


~Tony pov~

I stayed afloat in the air after hearing what Bucky had said.

' I guess I was too hasty...'

I could feel the gears in my brain started turning and things slowly came to me.

' Zane can control elements, how can I forget? I should find a place to stay put until the tracking device on his backpack was able to send signals again. I hope he's okay...'

I landed on one of the roof  five hundred meters away from the site. I remembered that I installed a high-tech camera in the car. I watch the video as I wait..


~Happy pov~

The next thing I knew after the fall was the car surrounded by water. Oddly enough, the water didn't smash the car into pieces nor did it came rushing into the vehicle. It was as if it is protected. I turned to look at Zane.

His eyes are glowing blue and his expression looked calm and serene, as if nothing has happened. He was looking outside the car, I don't know if he's watching the fishes or the coral.

' Zane, are you okay? Why are your eyes blue?'

He turned to face me.

' Yeah, I'm fine. We need to get out of here.'

He took his backpack and opened the car door. I was flustered, thinking the water will come rushing into the car, but instead, a bubble started to form around him. I was agape, not knowing if this is really happening in front of my eyes.

' Happy, we need to go. The car needs to be crushed.'

The last line made me open the car door hastily. A big bubble started to form around me. Just as I close the door and got near to Zane, the car was crushed, making a really loud sound. It send shivers down my spine.

When I was next to Zane, our bubbles combined, making a magnanimous air dome around us. Zane hold my hand and started walking away from the bridge. His hands are kinda sweaty and shaking a little. His face may not seem like it but he looked nervous.

' Thanks, Zane.'

' Huh?'

' Thank you for saving my life. If you weren't there, I might be dead already.'

' B-but I did put your life in danger earlier.'

' You still helped me. So, thank you.'

' Y-yeah.'

' By the way, how did your eyes changes colour to blue?'

' Uh.. well... You have to promise me that you won't tell the bad guys!'

' I promise.'

' I.. have the ability to control the elements. When I use a certain elements my eyes changes colour based on what element it is. Right now, I'm controlling the water element. So that's why my eyes are blue.'

' I see.'

His hands started to grow warmer as I talk to him. That's a relief. We walk for about an hour or so before Zane stop walking. He just wait silently and after a few seconds he look at me.

' We can go up now. Sorry that we have to walk for so long.'

' It's fine, you have your reason.'

We climb to the shore without anyone around us. I guess that's why he waited for a while. His eyes turned back to normal as he clutches onto his backpack. We just stand there for a few minutes before an iron suit landed in front of us..

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz