Koria's Time in the Temple

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Koria saw the beautiful winged woman flying around waiting for him to float up to her.

"I am Psyche. I am here to help you discover the declaration of your human spirit. Follow me through time, and we will learn together the secrets of your soul."

The journey to the past was a fast one. Before Koria could take a breath they were there.

"Your soul is a rather a young one your experiences are not too many but must prove you worthy of your position. Let us see."

Koria saw that they had come to where a great battle in Lantea took place. He watched as history was unfolding right in front of him. He saw a young man who stood before his emperor swearing his allegiance to the rightful rulers of Lantea.

"I will fight for all eternity my lieges fight for the safety and wellbeing of Lantea. Throughout the ages, I will fight for the right of the Lantean people or die trying. You have my solemn oath."

Before the man kissed the hand of the emperor, Koria knew it was he who had lived this day. His name then was Taka, and he would die that day. He remembered going off to battle he had a beautiful young wife waiting at home for him. But the enemy was coming towards him as he prepared to protect the emperor. The blades clashed, and nothing but keeping this monster away was all that was in his mind. He was the best swordsman it was why he had been placed on duty to protect the emperor he was the best one of the elite. When the enemy's blade pierced his chest and went straight to his heart, Koria felt it.

As Taka slumped over falling towards the ground he heard him, apologize to the emperor for failing him. But what no one else heard because it was said with his dying breath. Was to his bride.

"I will find you again and love you my little Neko."

Koria pondered the man's words. Could he have meant Kodora? He was standing in the emptiness when a man appeared to him.

Azure stepped out of the amber pool looking at the ominous-looking pillars. She was wondering what lay beyond them. She closed her eyes and counted to ten, and walked on knowing that everything would be all right. As soon as she passes over the thresh hole of the temple, she experienced herself being divided into many aspects of her personality. She then noticed the weight of her wet clothing was no longer bothersome. She was completely dry and in temple clothing. She was surprised at this turn of events. She was amazed by the magic of this temple.

Jaden reached the edge of the amber pool just in time to see Azure vanish inside. It gave Jaden a chill to think a building that was out in the open and not one of the seven people who had passed through the pillars had been seen or heard of since they walked through. Sure, it had been about fifteen or sixteen minutes since Parla made her way across the pool. But it sure made her wonder what kind of magic had so much power. She took a step into the water and immediately felt the current of the pool.

Koria studied the old man who stood before him. He looked like something out of one of his picture books as a child, but he didn't say that to the old man who was now addressing him.

"I am called Merlin. It is my responsibility to take you to a place you will know and show you what disasters will befall this world and others if the powers of the ten fail in their mission to stop Leander. Understand, this is not what has come to pass but will if Leander is not stopped. "

Merlin raised his staff and recited a few words and the two of them were standing at the place of his birth. The palace had been given to his mother by his uncle upon her marriage. It was destroyed he could see bodies everywhere. He walked through the scattered bodies as if he were walking through a maze. It was then he spotted the body of a small child lying face down on the ground. A young woman was lying face down next to the child. Koria had an impulse to turn over the child. The child stirred no memories for him, then he turned over the woman. It was his brother's wife, Mai. He recoiled and then he was standing in the chamber with the others. Grateful to be away from the awful sight. 

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