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"Please, please stop crying" Spencer whispers, holding the baby in his arms. He has dark blond hair but brown eyes,dressed in baby clothes that JJ dropped off this afternoon. "Please" Gently he moves his hand to the baby's head while his screams fill the small apartment. "You have everything, there is no need to cry."

He had been crying for the last hours and Spencer is at a loss what to do. He did everything he could think of. It doesn't make sense for him to cry, he shouldn't be crying, he should be sleeping.

They are on the floor, Spencer sitting crossed legged, looking down on him. Cat had named him Theo, Spencer had agreed. She will never be a mother, he figured the least he can do is letting her decide the name of her child.

"You are safe, Theo. You can stop crying." He begs again, tears running down his face. He has read enough studies to know that the baby needs him and that he can't just place him in the crip Rossi had built with Matt this morning.

Why did they leave? Why did they have to go on a case? He doesn't know how to take care of this baby. He hardly ever felt this alone. "Please, stop crying" Spencer sobs. "I can't take it anymore,please."

He had tried so many things, even his own comfort item he had placed on Theo's chest but it hadn't helped.

Frustrated Spencer starts hitting his head against the wall behind him, the screams of the child feel like they are getting louder and louder. Like they burn themselves into his brain and he holds him tight, he doesn't want to hurt him. He won't be like his mother, he will be better but he can't stop this anymore. He can't stop hitting his head because it sends out these little calm rushes through his body for so quick seconds and when he hits fast enough they come again before it hurts.

And then someone takes him out of his hands and there are voices and he can finally move his hands and he starts flapping them, he wants his child back but on the other hand he is finally not feeling his weight on him anymore, he doesn't have the responsibility but the calm only holds for seconds until he panics. What if the neighbors called the police? What if someone takes Theo away and he will get hospitalized like his mom? What if they find out he can't take care of him?

Derek and Savannah had driven down here after JJ called them, telling them what happened with Cat and that Spencer is alone with a child that is the result of probably one of the most traumatizing days of his life.

Derek took the child and handed it to Savannah who started speaking soothing words to him, getting him a pacifier while Derek tries calming Spencer down.

"Watch your head, please" It had been years since he watched a meltdown but he still gets the same nervous pitch in his stomach when he sees Spencer hitting his head against the wall with full force. "You two are safe, it's me, Morgan. Your baby is with Savannah."

He gives him a few moments and then tries getting his attention again. "Spencer, can you hear me?" Disoriented Spencer reaches for him and grabs his shirt when he finds it, pulling at it. "I am here, I am here, kid" He places his hand over Spencer's. "We are gonna help you now okay?"


"Is that his name?"

"Theo, my baby" He brings out and hits his head against the wall a couple of times again. "Mine"

"We are not taking him away? Do you wanna hold him?"


"Okay, you can." Savannah walks over to him with the now quiet baby, placing it in Spencer's arms again.

"You are already a natural at this." She exclaims with a soft smile. "Look at you"

"My baby"

"You have a beautiful boy there." Derek tells him and gently touches the head of the baby. "Look at those cute little cheeks."

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