[65] Failure

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"You spoke about the students' safety, Eraser Head." The reporter stands up as he speaks, watching Aizawa calmly. "During the incident, it appears you urged them to fight. What was your intention behind this?"

"I concluded that because we were unable to fully grasp the situation, it had to be done in order to avoid the worst possible outcome." Aizawa drones on, looking directly at the reporter.

"What do you mean by 'worst possible outcome'? You don't call 26 victims and two abducted the worst possible outcome?"

"The "worst outcome" I assumed in that situation was that the students would be at their wits' end and be killed." The silence in the room somehow becomes heavier.

"The gas attack accounts for most of the victims. We have determined that it was a sleeping gas from one of the enemies' Quirks. Thanks to the quick response of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu, there were no serious injuries from that attack. In addition, we are providing mental care to the students, but at the moment, we do not see any signs of serious psychological trauma." Nezu speaks up from beside two teachers present at the table.

"Are you saying that it was a bright spot in this tragedy?" A reporter asks, making the teachers want to strangle themselves.

"We believe that the worst outcome is one that would have infringed on the future." Nezu stays completely calm, having dealt with the press for many years now. "The only real harm is the students feeling responsible for the kidnapping of their fellow classmates.

"Can you say the same thing for the kidnapped Bakugo? He enrolled at U.A. High with excellent marks and won the sports festival." The reporter has caught everyone's attention at this point.

At these press conferences, people just want to get their questions out, get the scoop and then leave, but this man's questions have seemed to interest many others.

"In addition, during the incident with the sludge villain in middle school, he resisted the powerful villain alone, so he has a history of showing how tough and heroic he can be. On the other hand, the violence he showed in the finals and his attitude at the award ceremony shows that he is not always very stable mentally." The reporter pauses for a moment.

"What if the villains kidnapped him because they had an eye on that? Kidnapping him with deceitful words, and dyeing him with the path of evil? What evidence do you have for saying that he has a future?" He doesn't stop there.

"But also for Komo, who has shown nothing but resentment to the press and continually shown reasons for her to stray onto the path of darkness. She is constantly angry and has never shown a side to herself which is happy for remotely 'hero like' as many people reveal during their time at U.A. high school. Neither of these students have shown a very prosperous future for themselves."

Aizawa wants to end this man's career.

But he won't.

"As an educator, I take full responsibility for Katsuki Bakugo's violent behaviour. However, his actions at the sports festival originate in what he considers 'ideal strength.' He is trying harder than anyone in his pursuit of becoming the 'top hero.' If the villains saw that and thought they had an opening, then I believe they are being short-sighted." Aizawa pauses, thinking for a moment. "As for Komo, she takes after the adults in her vicinity so I take the blame for her reaction and actions towards the press in the past. But she has only ever shown her courage to help others towards the dream that they share with her."

"That is not evidence, though. This isn't a question of how you feel–I'm asking whether or not you have a concrete plan in place."

Nezu takes over once again.

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