Chapter 2

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Just as a warning: I wrote this kinda late, So i'm tired. I haven't gotten a chance to go over and review it, so if grammar is wrong or there are spelling mistakes, please don't comment about it. I'll be going over it tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep. 

I stepped into my first class. 
I noticed one of the girls in the group of three from the start of the day sitting in the back, a notebook open in front of her; either to sketch before class, or getting ready to take notes, I assumed it was the latter. I glanced around for an open seat, I noticed one but it was blocked by a couple of kids who were talking, so I opted to stand off to the side. 
Someone clearing their throat drew my attention to the front of the class, where the teacher stood.

The teacher was very tall. I read that his name is Mr. Tanner on a packet I was given by the principle. I only had the chance to read his name, because I got to the classroom before I could continue. He has messy black hair, and piercing green eyes, his pupils looked like that of a snakes, so I assumed he was part snake. He stood very tall, maybe like 6'6-6'7? 
"Ok Class, before we can continue our lesson, we have a new student. please introduce yourself" He looked over at me, his eyes felt like they were burning a hole into me
"M-my name is Elana" I gave a small wave, my nerves kicking in, telling me to turn around and run. 
"Please take a seat in the back" He pointed to the seat that used to be blocked by the people before, but now since everyone had to sit down it was open. It was next to someone who was radiating non-binary energy. I walked over and sat down, and they smiled at me
"Hi, I'm Tyler" 
"nice to meet you" I smiled at them, and noticed a they/them pin on their bag. I guess I'm good at pronoun guessing. They have Short brown hair, cat ears, a blue sweater and some blue knee high socks, I assumed their shorts were hidden by the sweater. They also have two different colored eyes, one Blue and the other green. 

Mr. Tanner started teaching, luckily I was understanding the topic pretty well, so jotting notes was quick and easy for me. 

After the class, I stood up and started packing my bag. I felt a presence and looked up, seeing the girl who was watching the two people fight in the hall. 
"Hey there" She said, smiling at me
"uhm... Hi?"
"I noticed you in the hall earlier and wanted to introduce myself, but my friends were too busy fighting so I had to make sure they didn't murder each other", I guess by my look she assumed I thought she was serious, "it was a joke fight, don't worry. I still need to keep an eye on those two though" She laughed a little, I smiled a bit. 
"well you're like their little body guard" 
"yeah I guess I am" She smiled at me, "oh! I'm Elizabeth by the way, but you can call me Lizzie" 
"nice to meet you Lizzie" 
"you as well" she smiled again, she really likes smiling I guess. 
"What class do you have next?" 
"Science" I answered her
"oh, well I have English. I think my friend Pandora has that class next, she's a bit... odd. so uh, good luck" She laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh. 
"E-excuse me?" Another voice came from beside me, I turned to see I was blocking a girl's path. She looked older then me, She has shoulder length dull orange hair, a wedding vail type thing covering her face, she wore Elder time clothes, I'm guessing, and big angel wings. It took me a moment to notice, but their eyes were pure white. 
"u-um. so-sorry" I moved out of the way, but she stayed where she was. "uhm.." 
"I wanted to introduce myself to you" 
"o-oh uhm. h-hi" 
"Hello, I'm Arina" 
"nice to meet you" I smiled a little at her, trying to control my stuttering. 
"you as well" and with that, she was gone, and I was left staring at where she was. 
"That's Ari, she's like... the mom to everyone" 
"really?" I turned back to Lizzie
"Pretty much, She likes to protect the younger kids." 
"We should get to class before we are late" 
"right" I finished packing and we both quickly walked out, parting ways as we reached her classroom first, and I was left to finding my classroom on my own. 

OdditiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang