Chapter 3

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After the shock wore off, I realized what tackled me had puffy orange hair, and white and black ears, I gasped. "Viv!" 
"Elana!!" Viv let me go and stepped back, bouncing from foot to foot.
"You're my roommate?"
"Yeah!" they smiled, "Along with some other really cool people!"
"Oh sweet!" I smiled and stepped into the dorm.
The dorm was surprisingly big and spacious. The door lead to the living room which housed a carpet with the four house colors, a gray couch, a gray recliner, a coffee table with books on it, and a tv on the wall. The walls were painted a simple gray with different paintings hanging on the wall. On the left, there were two open doorways that lead to the kitchen, about a door width apart. On the right there are two doors, both had a label above them, one said "Laundry Room" and the other said "Bathroom". Next to those two doors, there were steps leading to a balcony that stretched from the north wall to the south wall, and at the top of the steps, there were four rooms with double doors leading to them.

 Serena came down the steps and noticed me, "Oh, Hey uh... Elana? Right," I just respond in a wave, "Welcome to the dorm! It's a little chaotic at times, but you get used to it" She shrugged and disappeared into the kitchen. I glance over to Viv with a raised eyebrow, and they just gave me a bright smile and walked after Serena. I quickly followed after and noticed Pandora sitting on the counter, she looked over at me when I walked in, "Oh! Elana!" she smiled
"Hey, Pandora" I smile and sat down at the counter, "Who else lives here?"
Serena got water out of the fridge, "Lizzie, and a girl named Maxie"
"I don't know If I've met her" I rested my arms on the counter, looking over at Rena.
"I'm not sure if she has any classes with her, so I don't know." she shrugged and sat down next to me.
"I guess I'll have to meet her then." I nod a little.
Lizzie walked in, a smile on her face, "Guys! did you see the hot new guy??"
"Lizzie, you think every guy you meet is hot," Serena said, laughing, "We have like 10 new people, you gotta be more specific"
"His name is Nick Everest," Lizzie said, "Even his name is cute!"
"I don't understand straights," Pandora said, shaking her head slightly, but also smiling. I laugh a little at her statement, and her eyes immediately flick over to me, a questioning look in her eyes. I went quiet, not sure if she was judging me, or trying to figure something out.
After a bit of her staring into my eyes, she asked, "girls?"
The question just caused me to start laughing, "I was expecting a different question" I said between laughs. She smiled and started laughing along with me.
Lizzie shook her head, "you guys are idiots" 

"Annnyywaayyss," Serena cut into our laughing, shaking her head at our antics, "are you guys ready for the dance tonight?" 
"Dance tonight?"I ask, looking confused.
"You haven't heard? That's surprising. Mystic High is big on dances. we have at least three every year, usually more. One for the beginning of the school year, we already had that one, one for after exams, and one for end of school" Serena explained, leaning against a counter that was in the middle of the kitchen. 
"Oh... well what's this one for?"
"For new kids, like you and apparently this "Nick" guy," Serena answered. 
I nod a little, "Alright then... Do we need to do something while there? like introductions or something?" 
Serena shrugged, "We haven't had any new kids come during the school year, so we're not sure." 
"But, don't worry, it'll be fun. They always have some pretty fun parties." Pandora smiled at me. 
"Do we havvveee to goooo?" Serena whined, putting her head down on the counter. 
"Rena, you know we have to" Lizzie answered, leaning against the fridge. 
"Wait, we have to?" I ask, looking at Lizzie. She looked at me like she said something wrong, then she looked back at Serena. 
"It's... school policy." Pandora finally answered me. 
"It's school policy to go to a dance?" I looked at them confused. 
"Yeah... I think the school used to not have it as a policy, but then fewer and fewer people came and they don't wanna spend money on a dance when not a lot of people are going." Rena clarified, giving a subtle glare to the others, that I wasn't meant to see but I definitely did. 
"I'm afraid to ask what happens if you don't go..." I nervously questioned. 
Pandora and Rena gave each other a worried look before looking back at me, "let's just say... you don't want to figure out" 
I nervously shifted in my chair, "not terrifying at all..." I muttered. 
Serena suddenly cleared her throat and got up, quickly changing the subject, "Well. We should start getting ready."
Pandora nodded, "meet you guys in the living room in an hour?" she confirmed, glancing around at everyone. 
Everyone nodded and I followed the group as they walked to where the rooms were. 
"Wait... which is my room?" I asked as people disappeared into their rooms. Serena poked her head out of her room, "You're with Pandora in the first room" She then disappeared back into the room. I nodded a little and followed Pandora into the room.

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