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a/n or wtv

first off i saw a comment saying that tony was giving pedo vibes in chapter 4 and i would like to say that was not my intention, i was a like 12/13 year old trying to make people laugh :)

anyways HAHAHSHDJHDKDHRH bro i made this in like 6th or 7th grade and people are still reading it, with the shitty humor too. anyways, gonan give an update on my shitty life because i'm now in highschool and i left this towards the beginning of covid:

my therapist quit for a few months, i tried to kms on melatonin and obviously failed, my grandpa got submitted into a nursery home, i got my dog back, got a new dog too, am now in highschool, got diagnosed with an eating disorder by my therapist, got diagnosed with memory loss by a doctor, got diagnosed with depression and anxiety by a doctor, and etc etc. ANYWAYS HERES A NEW UPDATE OR A SHITTY FIC THAT IM NOT EVEN IN THE FANDOM FOR ANYMORE <3333

also i'm updating the humor in this

Deppreso has changed name to SP1D3R.

Benny: Are you emo now?

SP1D3R: yes i'm so #brocken ☹️😞💔

Benny: What?

SP1D3R: i'm joking dummy
SP1D3R: i just really like arachnids

Benny: A joke is supposed to be funny.

SP1D3R: you're the one who called me emo

Benny: You named yourself SP1D3R. That looks like some code for something or something a heavily depressed teenager would call themselves.

SP1D3R: i am a heavily depressed teenager

Benny: You keep making jokes about being depressed, it's concerning.

SP1D3R: who said i'm joking??
SP1D3R: i'm joking stop speedily typing

Benny: Get better at making jokes, kid.

SP1D3R: hmmmm i'll consider it if you tell me your real name, benny

Benny: Thought I already told you I was your mom?

SP1D3R: you're annoying

Benny: The disrespect to your own mother, how could you?

SP1D3R: my moms dead

Benny: Oh.


Benny: I should've checked more into your history, huh?

SP1D3R: i mean
SP1D3R: no
SP1D3R: as i would rather you not see all my records

Benny: Are you still upset I check your criminal record?

SP1D3R: no actually i forgot you did that

Benny: Ok.
Benny: Well, it's late kid. You should get some sleep it's Tuesday.

SP1D3R: yeah.

15 minutes later.

SP1D3R: goodnight benny

Benny: Goodnight, kid.


Benny: What's with the weird searches?

SP1D3R: what???

Benny: You keep searching up stuff like DIY first aid kits and how to fix a dislocated shoulder. Are you injured?

SP1D3R: oh
SP1D3R: lol
SP1D3R: school project, what're you going through my search history for??

Benny: I was bored.

SP1D3R: stalker
SP1D3R: is that your name?? mr stalker dude????

Benny: Nobody would name their child "Stalker Dude."

SP1D3R: hmmm

SP1D3R has changed Benny to MrStalker

Benny: Real funny.

SP1D3R: :)

Peter stared down at his phone, at the smiley face emoticon he just sent to the random stranger he met on the internet who had a weird way of knowing things about himself, and then back to his other hand which was desperately clutching onto his throbbing shoulder.

Despite being completely safe now that he locked himself in the bathroom he still flinched everytime he heard Mays boyfriend loud voice from the other side of the door.

The cold tile floor soothed the points of his legs and knees from where he fell, and he debated laying down to try and see if it could soothe his shoulder as well. But he also knew any movement he would make would send shocks of pain through him. So he sat there, stuck, locked in his apartments bathroom cowering in fear from his own aunts boyfriend.

Life really was interesting, huh?


word count: 624

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