The Tradition👑

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This is based off the song The Tradition by Halsey
Warning! Depressive language used, abuse, and mention of sexual content!

Mark wasn't surprised that he was being returned to the auction house. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last. The buyers always brought him back, because all he does is cry. Cry over being bought again, cry because he was in pain, cry because they never loved him.

"Mark Lee, again? Can't say I'm surprised," the auctioneer sneered. "What'd he do this time."

"Doesn't do anything I say, and all he does is cry! I give him everything, but he never gives anything in return! Fucking whore."

Mark didn't flinch. Those words didn't hurt anymore. He'd been called everything from a slut and whore to a bitch too many times to count. Too many "owners" using his body the way they wanted, thinking giving him what he wanted would make up for it.

"Take what you want, take what you can, take what you please, don't give a damn. Ask for forgiveness, never permission."

He scoffed at the words Ten told him. Ten had been an older brother to him for as long as he could remember, and was grateful that there was someone like that there for him. The older had gone through the same thing as him multiple times, until finally being bought by a man who actually cared for him, and gave him everything he could ever want.

After that? Mark doesn't know anymore. His older brother is gone, nothing is left for him.

"Mark fucking Lee," a hand gripped Mark's arm harshly. "You dirty fucking whore! Can't you do anything right?! All you have to do is spread your legs and suck some dick! And yet you can't even do that right!"

Mark didn't bother trying to reason with the auctioneer. He didn't mention the fact that his last buyer let others do what they wanted with him. He didn't mention the fact that the man was a sick fuck who never let him wear clothes when in the house. He didn't bother mentioning the multiple cuts and rope burns he had because that sick fuck was a sadist.

He was shoved harshly into a very familiar room, the door shutting and locking quickly after. It was silent for a moment, before a scream left his mouth. Blow after blow landed on his skin, the hands landing on his already scarred body. He could already envision the bruises and handprints covering his skin.

It only made him feel more disgusting.

The hits and blows continued for a couple more minutes, before the auctioneer moved towards the door. "There's one more buyer. One more buyer on the list. He'll be here tomorrow, so be ready. If you come back here again, I'll kill you."

Mark never moved, never replied. He just laid on the floor, contemplating. There was one more buyer on the list. Maybe this one would be his knight in shining armor. It seemed almost impossible, but he could only hope. Because if it wasn't, the only options were: death by the auctioneer, running away, or the easiest option, of death by his own hand.

He hoped it didn't come to that. As terrible as his life was, all he wished for was to live. He grew up in that auction house, he was never given a life. All they taught him there were basic skills, how to be a good "wife", and how to spread your legs and please your master.

Nobody cared that Mark wanted to study music. They didn't care that he wanted the sensation of true love. They didn't care that he didn't want to be a slave, only being used for sex and show.

He wished he wasn't so good looking. When they dressed him up, he was always given comments on how he's easy on the eyes. It didn't matter how many times he was returned, new buyers always claimed they could tame him. But they never could. Not even the auctioneer could.

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