Dairy entry 57 page 2

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Kiyoko and Tanaka sat next to each other.

Kiyoko also suggested that we eat and drink a little first so we did. Well, I mostly just picked at my short cake...

I ended up remembering that strawberry shortcake was Tsukishima's favorite, I wondered what he and the others (Tadashi, Hinata, and Kageyama) were doing, turns out the other 4 second years were had similar plans to mine because after a few minutes of being lost in thought, Tanaka got up and started yelling to and waving over someone.

I turned around to see an embarrassed and annoyed Tsukishima along with a shy and bashful Yamaguchi. On top of that you could clearly see Kageyama and Hinata trying (but failing) to spy on them.

Tsukishima tried to pretend as if he didn't hear or see Tanaka, but Yamaguchi grabbed his arm and tugged on the collar of his shirt.

Tsukishima sighed before saying hi.

After a minute of awkward silence, Tanaka asked "Are you guys coming? You too Kageyama and Hinata"

The four freshmen stood looming over the table before Kiyoko told everyone to sit together at a different table while "the girls" talked. They all headed to another table, Kageyama glaring at Tsukishima who was groaning, meanwhile Tanaka and Yamaguchi were comforting Hinata was moping about being spotted.

When we were finally all alone, Kiyoko told me that she had a possible future job opportunity, apparently her collage offered some design classes as just some random credits and she'd found out there was a program for highschoolers connected to it. She then offered my a spot and I of course accepted exitedly.

We spent half an hour talking about the program and we parted ways.

A/N: sorry this chapter took so long to get out, recently I've been very busy and tired, not to mention I hit a wall on how to make this specific chapter, thanks to all of you who have waited though 😊💕

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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