Diary entry 47

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The first time Kiyoko visited us this year, Tanaka and Nishinoya started crying, the two had always made such a big deal of her, they'd even gone as far as calling her their queen.

To be honest, I myself, was happy to see her too.

After introducing herself to the new first years, and explaining that she was here to help Coach Ukai and I, everyone got straight to work.

Kiyoko first walked over to me, she gave me a hug which surprised me but I gladly hugged back, she then asked me how my second year was going and told me that she was going to a nearby college and would try to visit on almost all her days without classes. We then got to work helping set up for the practice match for the new members.

After practice she told me she wanted to walk with me, so with the team, we went to Sakanoshita's. When we got there the boys got an assortment of buns and we were offered some but we rejected, I'd rather have something else and Kiyoko said she wasn't hungry, I get myself a fugashi instead, Kiyoko offered to pay, but when I rejected, she said that she was the adult, so she should pay, and she did.

When everyone else left she offered to walk me home since it was dark, I accepted knowing that it wasn't really an offer, and that she was going to do it no matter what. She'd gotten a lot more assertive since I last saw her.

On the way home, it was quite for a bit, that was before she asked if I'd found a girlfriend yet. I of course freaked out but she just giggled at me.

"I'll take that as a no."

Last year she'd asked me about any boys I found interesting and I'd told her I was a lesbian, so it was weird she was asking now.

"Y-yes. Umm, h-how about you? You found anyone?"

She thought for a moment before saying "Maybe..." which kind of confused me, but before I could question what she meant, we'd arrived.

We bid goodbye and she left, the dark scared me a bit so I ran inside.

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