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ANNOUNCEMENT - if you're reading this, go read time - simon kalivoda if you haven't already. if you have, re read chapter 9. i made adjustments that are about this story. i STRONGLY recommend you read that first.

i looked at nick in confusion. "what wall? what the fuck are you talking about?" i ask and he looks up at me. "forget about it" he storms out. what the fuck?

     well shit. had i just ruined my chances? why did i care? what did i do wrong? whatever. you know what, i'm gonna follow him. i walk out of the science and nature room, and i see nick walking away. "hey asshole! what did i do?" he stops. "you can't just start talking out of your ass and then get mad at me, and run away!" i stopped beside him. "you're acting like a total-"

he kissed me. for a couple seconds too. and i let him. why? i'm not sure. he had just talked about writing my brothers name on some sort of wall, and then ran away. then he kissed me? i pulled away. "you can't just do that! you can't freak out about my brother and then just kiss me." "why not?" he smiled. "i like you, syd. and if we're gonna die, i want you to know that." my eyes widened. i don't know if it was because he liked me of because he said we were gonna die.

"what are you talking about? why would we die? what does it have to do with my brother?" i started to slowly back away, and he got closer. "sydney it's fine! i wont let him hurt you"

"what the fuck are you talking about? where is my brother?" he went silent. "nick where the FUCK is my brother??" i got closer to him, when we heard a scream. we both ran to see people crowded around in front of something. nick and i squeezed through, to see jeremy. poor sweet innocent jeremy, dead. chopped up into pieces. i gasp and instantly feel nauseous, covering my mouth. i get out of the crowd to get fresh air.

nick puts his hand on my shoulder. tears fill my eyes. "what's happening?" i look at him, and nick hugs me. after a while i pull away. "who did this to jeremy?" after a second my face goes pale because i realize. if there's a killer out there, nobody's safe. "oh my god. i have to find tommy! and ziggy! and make sure they're safe." i start to walk away, nick following.

"wait, syd! if there's a killer out there, we have to hide. i have to keep you safe. i'll look for them, for now, go to the mess hall." he tells me "everyone to the mess hall. cmon campers! run!" nick tells them. after basically all of them start running i look at him. "nick. please. i have to find my brother. and ziggy. i love them. they have to be okay!" nick grabs my face. "please. go to the mess hall" i give in, and we walk to the mess hall.


the counselors do a head count, and then i spot her. ziggy. safe. i run and hug her. "holy shit! you're ok. i'm so glad." i say. i'm also a bit glad, because maybe she knows where tommy is. "you too! i was worried. have you seen my sister?" she asks, and my heart drops. she doesn't know? "no, i don't know where tommy is either. but maybe they're together! and safe." i hoped.

i spotted nick and went up to him. "nick, please. he's my brother. i know to you hes just somebody at this camp but i love him. please. i have to find him." tears start forming but i held them back.

"syd, i promise i'll find him. gary and i are gonna go and look for everyone else. but you have to stay here. i cant have you getting hurt" he grabbed my face, and for a second i forgot tommy was missing.

then he walked away, and i realized everyone was looking at me.

i was cornered along with ziggy by will annie and becky. "where is she? what'd you do with her huh? you kill her like you killed jeremy?" they asked

"what the fuck are you talking about?" ziggy asked "sheila!"

"where the fuck is sheila??" shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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